Chapter 6- Escape From the Palace

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Elros gave a long sigh. He wondered why in all of Middle-earth it was his job to be the keeper of the keys. He would have preferred the job of his friend, Galion: being the butler.

Taking another swig of wine, Elros glanced across the table at his friend.

Galion raised his eyebrows. "Long day?"

Elros sighed. "Nothing to report, no. Only that I am sick of carrying these useless metal devices around on my belt in addition to the keys."

"Huh," Galion observed. " Those were from the– "

"Sorceress," Elros finished. "The one in the dungeons."

"Ah. And the King thought it safe to let you take care of them?"

Elros shrugged. "As far as I can tell, they're useless, and she is behind bars. She cannot use them."

Galion finished the rest of his wine. "Fair point," he said. "Well, good night Elros."

"Yes, I had better get back to my post. Good night, Galion."

Elros trudged down the hallways tiredly, about to make his final round of inspections for the night. Dorwinian wine was the best in Middle-earth– enough to exhaust him and make him sleepy. He would take one more walk around, and hand over the night shift to Captain Miluidor.

He would check on the Sorceress last.

There were mainly Orcs and some humans in their dungeons, but they were usually dead within a hundred years' time. The dungeons of the Woodland Realm had been mostly empty for centuries.

Elros reached the Sorceress in her cell, which was in the deepest of dungeons for extra precautions' sake.

He had been watching her for three weeks and there had been absolutely nothing to make him believe she was an extremely dangerous sorcerer. As a matter of fact, she was kneeling on the floor of her cell with her eyes closed when Elros reached her. He sighed and shook his head to himself. This job really got old.

As he turned away with a yawn and rubbed his eyes wearily, he suddenly heard a "clink." His head jerked up, and he frowned.

Something had been yanked from his belt.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Ahsoka reached forward through the Force and pulled her lightsabers to her fingers through the cell bars. The weight in her hands was once again reassuring. She ignited them and sliced through the metal rungs, Force-pushing the rest of the door open, just enough for her to squeeze through.

The guard ran. Ahsoka had never seen anyone move so fast, but she let him go. Her priority was getting out of here as quickly as possible.

She sensed that a group of guards was coming up behind her, armed with spears. Ahsoka turned to run, but she was cornered as that was the only way out.

"Unless you boys want to move, you're not giving me much of a choice–"

One of them yelled something which Ahsoka assumed meant they weren't letting her by.

She let them charge at her, slicing through their spears and weapons as several of them came at her at once. She Force-pushed each one out of her way, slowly making her way through them.

Finally, she raced up the winding stairs of the dungeons. It was long and dark and seemed never-ending to her, but she allowed the Force to show her the way.

Ahsoka was ready for more guards to come at any second. She expected by now that word of her escape had probably reached the King, and she now regretted letting the keeper of the keys go.

The King would be sending more men.

Ahsoka heard another group coming from the top of the stairs and braced herself. She placed her lightsabers on her belt and stretched out her arms as the soldiers approached.

Before they even had the chance to aim their weapons at her, they found themselves flying backwards up the stairs and slammed against the wall.

Ahsoka scrambled over their fallen bodies as quickly as she could, arming herself with her lightsabers once more.

She now found herself in the main hall of the palace– where she had had her first audience with the King.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

King Thranduil narrowed his eyes at her, along with his thirty-some soldiers behind him.

"I do not want to hurt you," said Ahsoka, her voice eerily calmer than she felt.

The King pointed his long silver sword at her. "You are not leaving this palace, until you tell me why you have set foot in my lands."

Ahsoka grit her teeth in frustration. She knew there was nothing she could say to make him believe her.

"I have already told you. I am here for the Child," she said.

"I know of no such child." Thranduil's voice was colder than stone, but Ahsoka could detect it quavering slightly.

She had found his weakness.

"Then why are you afraid?" Ahsoka asked, softening her voice slightly.

"I fear nothing!" the King denied.

"Then why can I sense your fear?" Ahsoka challenged. Her voice was rising now. "Your anger."

Thranduil's anger had clouded his judgment and unbalanced him, and now, Ahsoka had the upper hand.

"Kill her."

Ahsoka had anticipated that. These men – or Elves as she had discovered they were called, were quick, but she was quicker. Before they so much as even touched their weapons, Ahsoka had leapt over their heads onto a cleft of rock carved out into the stone wall.

They fired their arrows at her, and Ahsoka deflected them easily. However, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold off that many of them for long on her own.

She needed to get out of here.

Backflipping off the ledge, she landed gracefully on her feet behind the Elves and ran for it as arrows whizzed past her head. She stopped momentarily to deflect several that got too close, but it ultimately was slowing her down.

Ahsoka scanned the area as she ran, surveying the best possible escape, but she really could only see one. As far as she knew, there was only one way in and out. The Elves seemed to be a close-minded people, who would rather bury themselves into the ground than face the world above them.

No, it didn't make sense, Ahsoka reasoned. There had to be another way out. What sort of palace only had oneway out? Tactically, it made no sense.

Sometimes Obi-wan had been right in using patience to think or talk his way out of a situation. However, there was no talking with Thranduil, and Ahsoka had no time to spare figuring out another or better way to get out of here, other than the only way she knew. She had been sitting in a cell for weeks, and had received no special revelation from the Force on how to exit the palace.

The Anakin way was going to have to do, but with slightly more patience than he would have had.

Ahsoka disappeared from the Elves and put herself out of their sight. It was no easy thing to do, but she knew she needed to give herself more time for them to let their guard down. She was going for the most obvious way, and she knew she couldn't let it be when they would expect it.



Yes, I'm so sorry. I literally realized I haven't updated this book since the beginning of the semester, but I'm going to try and do better from now on. (Fingers crossed). Long story short, I've been extremely busy and dealing with a lot of personal issues, but I've missed writing this story, all of you guys and I hope you enjoy this update. :)

- Shadowfax

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