Chapter 5- Secrets Revealed

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Darkness rises and light to meet it, the voice in the World Between the Worlds had said.

Ahsoka squeezed her eyes shut and went deeper into focus.

Everything was so clouded. She could sense the darkness in this world, although she could not get a clear picture of it. It was close by yet far away at the same time. It was like the darkness was tempting her. One moment it showed itself, the next moment it was hidden from even her.

And Grogu was still missing.

Her eyes shot open.

Ahsoka wasn't sure how long she had been in the dungeons of King Thranduil of Eryn Lasgalen– as he called himself, but the less answers she got in meditation, the more anxious she became to escape this place. She needed help and she wasn't sure who to turn to. She was all alone.

She had allowed the Elves, as she had found out they were called, to take her here because she needed to regain her strength. What she didn't need however was to spend the rest of her life here. She had work to do.

Firstly, she needed to figure out how she was getting out of here. Without her lightsabers it would be a little tricky, and she also wasn't planning on leaving without them.

Master Skywalker would have agreed.

Ahsoka got the sense that she couldn't just use a Mind-trick on the Elves to escort her out of the palace, nor would it be easy to figure her way around this labyrinth of a cavern to find an alternate exit.

Something told her this was going to be the most difficult escape she had ever made.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Meldiriel laughed as she tossed a frog into the air and the child grabbed it. He immediately stuffed it into his mouth and giggled.

"How about something else?" she said, picking up a cricket this time. "Gwinig" as she had taken to calling him seemed to love to eat everything. Bugs, amphibians, plants, eggs. Anything edible, he wanted it.

The child protested holding up his little claws, he made a whining noise.

Meldiriel sighed. "Alright, alright." She tossed him another frog, but picked him up before he could demand another. "Let's go inside," she said.

The sun was fading behind the trees and darkness was falling. Another day had passed. It had been nearly a week since Meldiriel had found this child in the woods, and she by no means regretted it. It was just... she still had no clue what to do with him. She had almost been worried that arrogant Elf she had met the other day would tell someone and her brother would find out– but so far nothing had happened.

That Elf... Meldiriel felt her cheeks heat up in remembrance. She hadn't understood why he had been so prying in the matter. He acted like this child was of importance or something and that she was wrong to keep him hidden.

Or was she?

She pushed him out of her mind. He was nobody, just like she was. So what if she had found a green pet in the middle of the woods? It was no big deal.

She placed Gwinig on the floor of her bedroom.

"You behave," she instructed. "I will make us supper, and it will be ready soon, alright?"

She left the door slightly ajar and went over to start preparing supper.

It was nice to have someone else around for once. Meldiriel was not necessarily the most social Elf, but she always felt so... lonely. Her brother was never home. Her father was so far away.

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