Chapter 8- Decisions

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Legolas put his head in his hands.

Meludir had told him everything. How his sister had found the little green creature and how she had been keeping him as a secret pet for weeks.

"I have never seen anything like it, and it's only a baby," Meludir had said. "It can only be the child that the sorceress is looking for."

Legolas sighed. It was now his turn to break the news to his friend.

"Your sister– I met her already, and the child."

Meludir's face blanched. "You met my sister? When? Why did you not tell me of this?" His voice rose.

Legolas held up his hands defensively, sensing Meludir's anger. "I did not know she was your sister until now. I swear, I mean her no harm..."

"She knows I am friends with you," Meludir cut him off sharply.

"I did not tell her my name. She does not know I am the Prince," Legolas assured him, his heart pounding. He had never seen Meludir this tense and angry before, and he did not understand why. Did he think something was going on between him and his sister?

But Meludir was calming down, as the initial look of anger in his eyes was gone. He took a deep breath. "You saw the child then?"

"I did," said Legolas. "Did it appear before I arrived?"

"I don't know," Meludir admitted tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "I think so."

Legolas nodded slowly.

"I don't know what to do Legolas. Meldiriel begged me not to turn the creature in to Lord Celeborn, and I promised her I wouldn't. You're the only person who can help me."

Legolas was surprised. "What else would she have us do then? What does she think Lord Celeborn will do to it?"

"I don't know, but she's adamant."

"There is no other option," Legolas said. "I do not know what to do with the creature. If I did not bring it to Lord Celeborn, I would take it back with me to the Woodland Realm."

"That would be a dangerous road, Legolas. Especially with the sorceress on the loose," Meludir said gravely.

Legolas nodded in agreement. "I know. That is why there is no other option. If your sister will not give the creature up willingly, we will have to force her."

Meludir nodded, looking none too happy. "Understood."

"Allow me to speak to her, if she will not listen to you."

There was a pause. Meludir looked unsure. He stared at the ground for a long moment before he agreed. "Alright."

Legolas wasn't sure if Meldiriel would listen to him anymore than her brother. Given what he knew of her, she was incredibly stubborn to a fault. He had only met her once, and she wouldn't even tell him her name, yet neither would he, he realized. He didn't think Lord Celeborn would harm an innocent creature, but it was the only way, and he had to convince Meldiriel. He didn't know if he could, but it was worth a shot.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Meldiriel closed one eye as she lined the tip of the arrow above the center of her target on the tree. She breathed in and out, allowing herself to become part of the bow, and the arrow an extension of her arm.

Gwinig stood off to the side, babbling excitedly as Meldiriel loosed the arrow.


Meldiriel sighed. Sometimes she got tired of doing this. She loved archery, but shooting at the wooden target was little challenge.

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