Chapter 11: Who's the Fairest One of All?

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The darkness was all around her. She could hear a voice calling out to her from the fog and she felt the blackness pressing in on her from every side. She tried to brush it away but it did her no good. It was still there, clinging to her stubbornly like icky cobwebs.

But where was she? This wasn't the Isle. Was she even awake? From where she stood, she couldn't recognize anything. But that voice...she'd know that voice anywhere...

" me..."

"Doug?" Evie cried, twirled around, searching the shadows frantically. "Doug! Where are you? DOUG!" She tried to take a step forward but her foot hit nothing besides air and she staggered, flailing helplessly, trying to regain her balance. A crevice opened up in the earth before her and she stumbled backward with a silent scream.

There was a shift in the fog and a figure emerged from the darkness. Long dirty-blond hair, ice-blue eyes, and a goofy smile slightly overshadowed with hurt. There was no doubt in Evie's mind who this was.

"DOUG!" Evie ran to him and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Are you okay? I've looked everywhere for you! Where are you? How are you here, talking to me?"

"The...the Dragonfire," Doug explained, hugging her back. Evie could hear his heart racing. She guessed that, wherever he was, he was terrified. " can do so much more than give found you. Evie." He frowned and his voice suddenly grew more serious. Evie wiped away her tears and stepped back, looking straight into his eyes. Something was wrong, she could tell. She just didn't know what. "I need you. Please. I...I found your Dragonfire. But...I got caught. I don't...I don't know where I am..."

"I'll find you!" Evie promised. "Who caught you?"

"You're...mother..." Doug's voice sounded weak. It sounded like he was in pain. "Evie...Evie, hurry... please...I think...I think she's going to kill me."

"I'm coming!" Evie yelled in a panic, searching wildly for a way out. "Doug! Hold on! I'm coming! Hang on for me!"

Doug suddenly glanced behind him as though hearing someone coming. "She's here! I have to go. Evie--"

He was cut off abruptly as the earth gave a violet jerk and Evie screamed as she fell backwards into nothingness...

She struggled out of the nightmare, shooting up from the hammock like a bolt, all worries of tiredness instantly evaporated. She hastily went about the room, packing her things together. Doug was in danger. She had to rescue him! And she knew exactly where she had to go. Straight to her mother's castle, the one place she'd never wanted to return to. But, she told herself. This was for Doug. She knew she'd do anything for him...including facing her mother. She didn't know what Evil Queen would do to him if she learned that he was a dwarf. He'd certainly be dead if she forced out his love for Evie.

She felt a chill run up and down her spine.

Doug was amazing in so many ways. He was sweet, kind, and caring... and Evil Queen would totally crush him. He would never survive interrogation. In fact, Evie would be surprised if he hadn't spilled everything already.

She was in such a hurry that she didn't stop to think about what had been bothering her. She didn't realize it at the time, but, she had known immediately what had been wrong, something that only a few people knew...something her mother surely would never have thought of in the heat of the moment...

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