Chapter 21: Legends Within Legends

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"You're making a huge mistake, Queenie," Mal growled, eyeing the redhead pacing back and forth in front of them.

The Princess of Hearts only sneered at her. "Nooo, I don't think so." She held up Maleficent's spellbook. "No book. No magic. Right?" She pretended to frown but her eyes gleamed triumphantly as she tucked the spellbook into her satchel and continued her pacing. "So...what's your great plan now, Mal? Wait for your friends to show up to rescue you? Try to break out yourself? Honestly, I just want to know your plan. Maleficent always said you were cunning. But, I have yet to see it."

Mal growled. Evie was right. She does talk too much. But Queenie was right. The three of them were a bit...tied the moment. The Dragonstone had disappeared, and, at that time, there had been so sign of the others. That was obvious by the dark glares Queenie had been giving every inanimate piece of furniture. Which means Evie, Carlos, and Doug are still all right. They can still stop all of this. She had to admit, she hated relying on others to save the day. It was a feeling she was much more accustomed to having herself. Not that she was selfish about the concept of saving everyone. She just didn't like to let anyone put themselves at risk.

On her left, Ben struggled against their restraints. Mal sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ben, stop," she groaned. "That's not going to work." She's got us. She glanced down at her hands, tied tightly behind her back, and to the pole, along with Jay's and Ben's. We've got to think of a way out of here.

Her eyes drifted around the room, searching for something she could use her magic on. She knew a few spells, but nothing that could provide them with any assistance in this type of situation.

Ben kept struggling.

"Ben. Man. Seriously, stop," Jay hissed from Mal's right. "We need to get out of here," he added to Mal in a frantic whisper. "The others could be in trouble. Especially if one of them has the Dragonstone."

"Yeah, I'm still trying to process how that is possible," Ben joined in. "How did you lose it in the first place?"

Mal shot him a dirty look. "Okay. First off, I did not lose it. It just disappeared! And second, we don't know that the others even have it or if they've been caught! So let's not assume the worst, all right? They'll find us. We'll get out of here."

Queenie threw back her head and laughed maniacally. "Oh, oh, that's good," she sneered. She strolled over to them with a devilish grin. "You honestly think those...those fools...can rescue you? Well, I've got news for you, we found them. Right about now, our decor should have almost finished them off. And as for the Dragonstone, it will go down with them, along with any hope you had for saving Auardon." She pretended to look heartbroken. "How sad."

Jay tried to lunge at her but he could only glare and grunt furiously.

"You'll never get away with this, Queenie," Mal snapped.

"Oh, hmmm. And who's going to stop me, Mal? You? I think you've already proven that you can't. You couldn't even get close. Evie's smart, I'll give her that. But not smart enough. Did you think I didn't guess what your plan was? I know you, Mal. Your friends were never going to get in here without me noticing them. It was stupid of you to even try."

As Queenie turned away, Mal was already looking for another way out. She, Jay, and Ben were all bound together by the same rope and tied to the same pole. So, maybe, if there were a way to knock over the pole...

A burning pain suddenly rushed through her chest. She gasped, feeling her magic surge and churn throughout her body. The stone, she realized. Someone's using it. But how? And who? Had Evie found it? Was this hers or Carlos' doing? The vision stone, she sensed. The silver Dragonfire had been activated. They're all right! Her breath of relief was short-lived, however, as she realized something. If she could feel the Dragonstone, then so could Maleficent. She'd know the others escaped.

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