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"He is actually kind of funny" I tell Munyeong as we eat breakfast, "oh, he's kind of funny?" She laughs.

I roll my eyes laughing, "why'd you say it like that?" I question, she grins "that's the first step in liking someone" she shrugs.

I shake my head, "yeah, first you think their funny. Then you start liking them. I know, I know" she wavers her hand making me laugh.

"He let me sleep on his leg" I inform her. She looks at me with high brows then starts smiling.

"You trusted him enough to fall asleep" she states. I shake my head chewing, "or I was tired from the lack of sleep I've been getting" I respond.

She laughs, "oh! Did I tell you I saw Jaeun in town?" She exclaims raising her finger.

I shake my head, "I saw him. He showed up at my doorstep" I shrug.

She jerks her head back, "why'd he do that? What did he want?" She leans in intrigued.

I shrug, "who knows, maybe a fresh start" I mumble poking at my food.

"so, what are you going to do? Give him a fresh start or?" she questions while chewing, I shake my head "obviously not".

"You guys were so in love" she laughs shaking her head, "yeah, we were" I mumble, completely losing my appetite.

I push my plate away with a sigh, "anyways, enough about that. What are we doing today?" I chuckle.

She smiles, "let's go to the karaoke bar!" she exclaims standing up with a grin. I playfully roll my eyes causing her to laugh.

"sure...why not"


I listen to Munyeong sing, "this is making my ears bleed!" I shout over her terrible singing.

She gives me the finger making me laugh.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. I glance down at it seeing Dr. Ko's caller ID.

"Hey! Munyeong, I have to take this" I stand up pointing at my phone. She just points at me while singing.

I laugh and leave the room, swiping over on the call I bring the phone to my ear.


Dr. Ko let's out a heavy breath, "I'm so sorry, but could you come in tonight?" He asks.

"What's going on? Why do you sound so stressed?" I chuckle in a confused manner.

"It's Mr. Park" he states. I let out a sigh rolling my eyes, "he only wants to see you for some reason".

"What?" I scoff, "why?"

"I guess you time together last night strengthened your relationship" he responds.

"Hell with him. Tell him it's my day off" I shake my head and sighing.

Dr. Ko chuckles a bit, "you don't think I've done that already?" He speaks.

I sigh, "I'll...be on my way soon" I respond then hang up.

I turn around seeing Munyeong leaning on the doorway, "so?" She raises a brow.

"I need to go in" I sigh putting my phone in my back pocket, "I'm so sorry, Mun".

She smiles, "no worries, these four hours were the funniest I've had all week" she pats my shoulder.

I smile at her then nod, "me too actually".


After changing into my scrub, I drove to work.

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