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Leaving Kanji's grave, I make my way to my morning shift at the hospital.

After changing into my scrub, I make my way to Mr. parks room.

"Good morning, mr. Park" I speak walking into the room, "shouldn't we be on first name basis now?" He chuckles tilting his head at me.

"Why?" I shrug sitting down in my chair, "are you trying to forget?" He smirks.

I stay silent flipping through the notes I made for him.

"Okay, Sajun" I hear him mumble causing me to look up at him.

I narrow my eyes at him, "why did you let me leave yesterday?" I lean up.

He slightly furrows his brows while poking out his bottom lip, "you had me handcuffed to the bed, you could've just walked out" I add.

"But you didn't"

He hums, "what would I gain from that?" He raises a brow.

"Freedom? Isn't that what you want? You told me you felt like a caged animal" I shrug.

He looks away from me for a moment, then back with a grin.

"What would I truly gain from that?" He asks again. I narrow my eyes confused.

"If I decided to leave you here, chained to the wall, I would have been free but hunted down like a wild animal" he explains.

"Regardless, I wouldn't truly be free" he finishes.

I stay silent while nodding, "I think every human being deserves to be...free" I look him in the eyes.

He grins, "then free me, Sajun" he holds his wrist up.

"I can't do that, you know that" I sigh. He lets out a small laugh, "then why'd you suggest it?" His voice becomes a tone louder.

"I didn't suggest it! I simply stated that every human being deserves to be free" I defend myself.

He scoffs, "am I not a human being?" He questions me.

"You are, but you also murdered people. A person like you...you lost your sanity" I shake my head.

"Everyone loses their sanity every once in a while" he grins with a laugh.

I chose to ignore the comment, "tell me, Sajun" he starts. I take a sigh and look back up at him.

"If you could watch the person who hurt you the most die, would you?" He quirks a brow at me.

Would I?

I look down upon his statement, it shouldn't be a question. Why am I thinking about it?

"No" I finally speak up, "at the end of the day, they are human too" I clear my throat.

"What about...Jaeun? That was his name, correct?" He lets out a deep chuckle.

"Surely you'll watch him suffer" he nods. I hesitantly shake my head, "really?" He asks.

"He left you alone to deal with the guilt of losing your child, he blamed you, he made you the culprit" he explains.

"And you would just let him walk free?"

I nod, "you can't make me a murderer, Jiwon" I state.

He lets out a laugh, "we all, are murderers, Doc".


Munyeong and I are enjoying dinner but the conversation between Mr. Park and I keeps replaying in my head.

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