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"I said it would be the last time, but...I can't stop" I confide in Munyeong. She hums, "the truth is, I don't want to stop" I add.

"But, he's my patient. It's so wrong" I shake my head. She lets out a laugh, "can I get a word in?"

"Ah, sorry, go ahead" I laugh. She smiles, "I think it's basic human nature to desire something that is wrong, there is nothing bad about that" she shrugs.

"But, you are right...he is your patient" she nods. I sigh, "but there is a solution to everything!" She chimes.

I raise my brow at her waiting for an answer, "drop the case" she shrugs.

I want to tell her that he is the reason Jaeun is in this hospital.

But... I won't.

Before I can respond a nurse walks over to us, "your friend is lucky" she smiles nodding.

"He just got out of surgery, he's still sleeping but you can go into the room if you want"

I just nod my head, "Sajun" Munyeong grabs my arm stopping me from walking away.

I raise my brow, "yesterday, you stalled when saving Jaeun's life. What went through your head?" She asks me.

Letting the person who caused me the most pain...die.

"Nothing" I finally answer, "I was just...nothing" I shake my head forcing a smile.

We walk into Jaeun's hospital room seeing him connected to cables, unconscious.

I cross my arms standing at the door as Munyeong continues to venture into the room.

Suddenly she turns to me, "Sajun" she sighs. I hum, "it was years ago, put it behind you".

I narrow my eyes at her, "your telling me to put what he did to me behind me? You want me to just forget that?" I ask.

She nods, "he made a mistake and he's apologized. Everyone makes mistakes" she shrugs.

"Everyone grieves differently. He lost Kanji too" she adds.

I shake my head, "I don't believe you" I state. She looks at me waiting for me to continue.

"You think I should forgive him just because he's on his death bed?" I scoff pointing at him.

"He should've died" I spit out. She looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Sajun!" She exclaims, "who are you now?".

I scoff, "you don't understand how I felt, Munyeong" I shake my head.

"No, I probably will never know how you felt but I can tell you...letting Jaeun die won't solve that feeling" she states.

"No, but it'll bring me to some resolution even if it is not happiness" I shrug.

"Your crazy" she scoffs, "maybe it's you who should be in the psych ward".

"Maybe" I mumble.


"Update me on our friend, Jaeun" Jiwon speaks as I sit across from him.

I scoff, "he's fine" I state. I hear him chuckle, I look up at him with a sigh.

"Tell me how you got out" I take my glasses off. He narrows his eyes at me then smirks.


"Tell me, now" I ask again, this time in a firmer tone. He stares at me, as if he wants to kill me.

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