Chapter 1

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In a dark creepy, forest was a little girl crying. No one knew where she was. She was...lost. She didn't get along with any of the other kids. She didn't like too. Her name was Mikasa and she was only 10 years old. She ran away from home after she watched her parents die in front of her face. It was horrible. She hated to be alone and not anyone taking care of her.

Her parents took really good care of her for 10 years straight! As she continued to cry a guy on a horse came up.

"What is a little brat doing out here all alone?" She looked up and saw a soldier. She stood up and the guy put out his hand and told her to grab it. She did what he told her to do. He pulled her on the horse with him and rode off.

(2 hours later)

The girl Mikasa woke up in bed with a little boy sitting at the end of the bed.

"W-who a-are y-you?" She said stuttering over her words getting scared. The boy looked over and smiled.

"You're awake finally!" She looked at the little boy's blue ocean eyes.

"What are you doing here? Where am I?" After she finished her sentence the same guy who rescuded her walked in.

"Armin get out of here!" The guy said grabbing Armin and pushing him out of the door.

"Anyways..what's your name brat?" He asked her in annoyed voice.

"M-my n-name i-is M-Mikasa.." She said just looking at the floor.

"My name is Captain Levi. Stop stuttering over your words." As Captain finished his sentence he left the room. Mikasa just kept on looking at the floor when another boy walked in.

"Uh...are you Mikasa?" The little boy asked. She looked up and saw a little boy with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Um..y-yes." She said again stuttering over her word.

"I'm Eren Jeager nice to meet you Mikasa..?"

"Mikasa Ackerman.." She said finishing his sentence for him. Eren walked over to Mikasa and sat beside her.

"So how long have you been here?" He asked.

"Um..well I-" She got interupted by a tall person who walked in the door.

"Eren come on leave the poor girl alone." Eren waved goodbye with a sad face and left.

"I'm sorry, here are some clothes you can change into." The person said handing her some clothes and shut the door behind him. She put on the blue jeans and white tee-shirt and just slipped on the slippers that were on the ground.

"Are you done?"

"Y-yea." She said as the person walked back in and said, "You're a stuttering kid." The person said picking up Mikasa and putting her on their back.

(1 hour later)

After everyone eating, Levi was the one taking Mikqsa back to her room. He opened the door and put her in the bed and covered her up in the fluffy blanket.

"Good night brat." he said as he walked out and shut the door behind him.

(Next Morning)

Mikasa woke up with a bed headache. Someone walked in and tried to wake her up but she just mummbled and turned away.

"Mikasa wake up!" Eren said as he still tried to wake her up to go eat.

"I don't feel good tho." she said as she turned to become face-to-face with Eren. Eren blushed slightly and backed up a little.

"Bertholdt!!" Eren yelled. Bertholdt came running in thinking something bad happened.

"What? What's wrong?!?" he said.

"Mikasa doesn't feel well." Eren stated pointing at her. Mikasa coughed her little head off as she pulled the covers up. Bertholdt put his hand on Mikasa head and said she had a fever and to let her sleep.

(3 hours later)

"Mikasa are you okay?" Armin came in looking into Mikasa's eyes.

"Yea I feel much better now!" she said getting up a little.

"That's good." he said as they both laughed. Mikasa and Armin just talked the rest of that night until it was there bedtime.

"Well goodnight Mikasa!" Armin said.

"Bye." Mikasa said back waving bye.

(a few years later)

Mikasa was already 15 and it felt like she was still a little kid. Armin, Eren, Captain Levi, and Jean were all the same age as her. But, only three of them Mikasa had been falling for. Mikasa,Levi, Jean, and Eren all become closer and closer with each other everyday.

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