Meeting Brittany

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It was a bright Sunday morning.It was mid morning and I had just stepped off my dad's private jet and watched as he ran over to greet me.It was a long flight from Malibu California to New York but a necessary one.I was at my dad's tall building he called "The Avengers Compound."It was were him and all of his superhero friends lived when they weren't fighting bad guys or saving the world on a semi regular basis.I knew a little about them based on what I saw on tv and what my dad would tell me about them on his one week a month visits to see me.This month he was supposed to come visit this Saturday so he could be with me on my birthday and spend the week but that plan was thrown out the window.

Early this morning while I was sleeping,a bunch of Hydra assassins blew up my dad's home in an attempt to kill me.They had been trying to find me and kill me since I was four but they never succeeded.The reason they were trying to kill me was because I saw one of their assassins kill my mother right in front of me.They didn't know I was there until I started crying for my mom.Once they saw me they raised their gun to my head but as they looked at how terrified I was they put the gun down and put me in the closet.After the mystery person left I crawled out of the closet and sat next to my mother's dead body,crying and shaking her trying to wake her up.I stayed like this until I fell asleep in a pool of her blood,too tired to continue trying to wake her up.

By morning I was soaked in blood but I still got up and went over to my neighbors house and asked for help.When they saw me covered in blood,they ran over to my house and saw my dead mom lying on the floor of her bedroom.I told them what happened and clung to my mom's body.They tried to move me but I started kicking and screaming,not wanting to leave her side.The cops came and asked what happened but I was too traumatized to speak so my neighbors explained it for me.

They also told the cops who my dad was and then called him right away.I was still clinging on to my mom's body and put up a fight when they tried to pull me away from my mom's body.My dad arrived a few hours later and was finally able to pull me away from mom.He rinsed the blood off of me and placed some clean clothes on me.The cops had already explained what happened to my dad so after I was cleaned up he held me tight and let me cry into his shoulder.I cried for hours as he rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down.I fell asleep in his arms and didn't want to let go.

I was in so much pain and grief that at her funeral I jumped out of my dad's arms and started hugging my mom's body tightly not wanting to let go.I was finally pried from her body and placed back in my dad's arms.I screamed about how I wanted to be with mom again but I really lost it when they closed her casket,lowered it into the ground and covered it in dirt.I cried that she wouldn't be able to breath or get out which just made me more hysterical until I had a full blown melt down and wouldn't stop crying.

I couldn't eat or sleep for months after mom died and I refused to talk to anyone for almost two years after that. After finding out I was alive,Hydra made multiple attempts to kill me but all of them failed.After I finally started talking again,dad put me in kids therapy.The first few weeks I would just fall apart and cry at the mention of mom's name.After that I would have violent outbursts and sometimes unintentionally hurt people.I would also have extreme mood swings and really bad emotional spirals.I would get nightmares every night and hardly get any sleep or eat anything,just starting the cycle over again.

My dad stayed with me through it all until my 7th birthday when I was legally diagnosed with Anxiety,Depression,and PTSD. Everything went downhill from there as my dad saw that kids therapy wasn't helping me at all.He moved me from San Diego to his Malibu home and then once I was settled in,he checked me into a mental health clinic,hoping it would help me.It only made things worse for me but I stayed there until I was ten years old and during that time,dad had packed up and moved to New York without me,leaving me all alone I his Malibu home.He came to visit me once or twice a month in the clinic but other than that I barely saw him anymore.

Just Friends-A Bucky x Brittany Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now