The Anniversary

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Time Jump to a few weeks before Christmas.

Brittany's POV:

I woke up to the feeling of Bucky gently kissing my forehead and holding me by the waist close to his chest.He smiled at me as I kissed his cheek and mumbled good morning.He went for a kiss on the lips but I put a hand up to block him.I turned over so my back was facing him and tried to escape his arms but he wouldn't let me go. "Bucky is today November 30th by any chance"I wondered out loud as I still faced away from him. "Yes it is doll why do you ask"he puzzled as he drew small circles on my back with his metal hand.I didn't answer him because I immediately sat up and started crying. "Doll what's wrong why are you crying talk to me" Bucky wondered as he started rocking me back and forth.I managed to stop crying for a second as I choked out "Today's the 10 year anniversary of my mother's murder and the Hydra agent who did it still hasn't been caught"before crying even more into his chest. "I'm so sorry doll that's awful.We can spend the day doing whatever you want to cheer you up alright"Bucky soothed as he shot a quick text to our Avengers group chat.

Dreamboat(Bucky):Hey guys need your help.Today is the 10 year anniversary of Brittany's mom's murder and the Hydra agent responsible still hasn't been caught.Can you guys please help me cheer her up and distract her for today?

Dad(Tony):Oh god how could I forget about today

Bomb Pop(Steve):Of course we'll help man she always helps us so it's time to return the favor

(Tony always calls Steve a Capsicle and a bomb pop is a red white and blue popsicle or in this case Capsicle so that's why he's listed as that in the contacts.Everybody's contact name is meant as a joke)

Speedy Gonzalez Bestie(Pietro):Anything at all you name it

Wild Card Bestie(Loki):I'm here to help

Ginger Snap(Pepper):I'm here for support

Flight Instructor(Sam):We're all here for her man

Anger Management Champ(Bruce):What does she need

Laser Focus(Clint):How can I help

Hammer Time(Thor):How can I assist

Super Ninja(Nat):What can I do

All Powerful(Wanda):I'm here for her

Bucky continued to rock me back and forth as I cried into his chest. "It's alright doll just let it out.Let it all out,there there doll I've got you"Bucky soothed me until I calmed down. "All of us Avengers plus Pepper are here for you.We'll help you in anyway you need us too ok" he coaxed as my cries turned into hiccups and shaky breathing. "I just wanna forget.I wanna forget that it happened.I want to go back to that night and help her.I could've helped her and I didn't.I just sat there and watched her die.It's all my fault and she could've been alive if it wasn't for me.I could've grew up with a mom and had a normal childhood.I could've avoided all this pain and trauma if I just would've helped her instead of just sitting there watching her die.Everything bad that's ever happened to me is all my fault and I deserved every last bit of it.I just need to cut my wrists right now to feel better"I sobbed as every bad emotion and thought that I ever suppressed and pushed aside came bubbling up and poured out of me.I was shaking and crying hysterically but I didn't care I just wanted to get it all out and let this nightmare be over.I knew I was gonna go into an emotional breakdown once this was all over but that didn't matter at the moment.All that mattered was that I was the root of all my pain and trauma and there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm the source of all my pain and trauma. Everything is always my fault,I destroy everything I touch.I let mom die,I destroyed my relationship with dad,it won't be long before I mess things up with you and you leave me.I wouldn't blame you if you left me.I even managed to become Hydra's number one target.They won't stop until they kill me and I don't blame them"I cried between hiccups and shaky breathes. "Oh doll it wasn't your fault she died,you couldn't save her even if you tried to because there was nothing you could've done.You are not the source of your pain and trauma so don't you believe it for one second more you here me.You didn't mess up your relationship with your dad and you know it.He loves you more than anything even if he doesn't always show it.I promise I will never ever leave you because you couldn't push me away if you tried.You don't destroy everything you touch you actually fix it.As for Hydra, they're a bunch of idiots and jerks.They'd have to get through every single person in this building to get to you and believe me when I say we'd all fight until the bitter end for you especially me.I would turn into the Winter Soldier for you if I had to.They'll never kill you as long as you have your family of heroes by your side.You never have to feel alone ever again because your not.I won't let you cut your wrists ever again because it's wrong no matter how right it feels"I looked up at him and said "Like loving you?I know it's wrong because I'm 14 and your over 100 but it feels so right" which only made us laugh. "There's that sense of humor and that laugh that I love"I sat on his lap and hugged him tight as I started to calm down.I eventually fell asleep still holding onto him so he just laid back down with me still on him and pulled the blanket over us.He stretched my legs on top of his and moved my hands to either side of his waist as my head laid on his shoulder.He fell asleep soon after me and we spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon cuddling just like this.He kept his hand folded across my back to keep me steady and didn't budge not one bit.

"Wake up sleepyhead it's time to get up.I have a surprise for you"Bucky whispered in my ear as I slowly opened my eyes. "Does the surprise involve me wearing a sexy pajama set or outfit and a hot and heavy make out session to make me feel better or watching our favorite R-Rated movie trilogy while giving ourselves sweet release and a nice spanking"I asked innocently with a evil smile on my face. "No that surprise is for later tonight.This surprise involves you getting dressed and being social.The others have planned a nice surprise for you to cheer you up"Bucky chuckled as he helped me out the bed.I stood up and walked over to my room and hopped in the shower quickly and then picked out a cute outfit.It was a long sleeve pink cartoon shirt,black jeggings,fuzzy socks, and black winter boots with a matching black hoodie and a hat,scarf,and gloves.I walked back into Bucky's room and stared at his perfectly toned body but mostly his abs.He had on blue jean pants,fuzzy socks,and winter boots.His shirt,hat,gloves,scarf,and sweatshirt were on the bed and he smirked as he noticed me staring at him. You look adorable as always doll and I don't blame you for staring either"Bucky said bringing my attention to his face. "You look good too James same as usual. Thanks for the good view I really needed that"I smiled as I watched him finish getting dressed and walk me to the elevator.We climbed on and rode it down to the main floor and then walked outside.

Everybody was standing outside standing in two teams each with a pile of snowballs aimed at the other.They had all came together to have a giant snowball fight just for me.It was Avengers with powers versus Avengers without powers.We waisted no time getting started pelting each other with snowballs and laughing in pure delight.We gave it everything we had and pelted each other until it got dark out before heading inside.We changed out of our snow covered clothes and put on our pjs as we headed to the movie room for part two of the surprise.We watched Christmas movies and ate chili and drank hot cocoa to get in the Christmas spirit.I thanked everybody for the wonderful time I had and gave them a big group hug.They said they were glad to do it and enjoyed themselves.Part three of the surprise was the best of all.We all built blanket forts and had a huge sleepover in the movie room to end the night.All in all it was a successful day and by the end of it I was feeling completely better.

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