Becoming Friends

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Brittany's POV:

I woke up to the sound of painful screaming.I checked my phone and realized it was 2:00 in the morning.I automatically recognized the voice as Bucky's and jumped out of bed and ran towards his room with my music pod.

I opened his door and saw that he was shaking and screaming in his sleep.I sat my music pod on his bedside table and plugged it up.I automatically scrolled to my relaxation station and turned it on and turned the volume up so Bucky could here it.

"Bucky it's me Brittany.Listen to the sound of my voice and follow the music.This is just a dream,it's not real ok?Just relax and breathe"I said as I placed my hands on his chest.I transferred my peaceful and relaxed emotions to him and within a few seconds,he stopped screaming and shaking and slowly opened his eyes,focusing them on me.

"Is that you doll?What happened to me?One minute I was having a nightmare and the next I hear your voice and relaxing music and then I felt relaxed and at peace.I felt like everything was ok and nothing I saw was real"Bucky asked as he slowed his breathing and kept his focus on me.

"I woke up to you screaming and shaking from a nightmare so I turned on my music pod and set it to my relaxation station and told you to listen to my voice as I transferred my peaceful and relaxed emotions into you.Part of my powers is emotional transference."I explained as I finished transferring my emotions into Bucky.

"Thank you doll,I really needed that.The music is really helping and so is the emotional transference.I feel a lot better now because of you.Is it alright if I borrow the music pod for tonight,I really like it.I could also use a late night snack and talk session if you don't mind"he said as I climbed on his bed and sat next to him.

"Of course you can borrow it Bucky.Feel free to use it anytime you like.As for the late night snack and talk session,I am always available for those 24/7.Give me 2 minutes and I'll be right back ok"I said as I opened a portal to the kitchen and stepped through to the other side.I fixed the two of us some warm milk with honey and double chocolate chip cookies with a hint of vanilla sleepy time dust on top.I reopened the portal and walked through it so I could sit on Bucky's bed again.

"This is incredible doll,what did you put in here"Bucky asked as he ate his snack."It's warm milk and honey and double chocolate chip cookies with a hint of vanilla sleepy time dust on top.It's my favorite late night snack for when I can't sleep or I'm just hungry since I'm more of a night owl than an early bird."I could see he was slightly confused so I explained what a night owl and an early bird were.We both finished our snack and then I sat there and listened to Bucky talk about his problems for almost two hours.I chimed in every now and again with advice or suggestions to help him cope with his trauma from the past.

After our late night session I scooted towards the edge of the bed to leave but Bucky grabbed my wrist and gave a small tug."Could you please stay with me just for tonight,I don't want to be alone right now.You don't have to if you don't want to"Bucky stated in a sad but sleepy voice."Of course I'll stay the night Bucky,it's the least I can do after how much you helped me today"I stated as I wiggled under the blanket next to him.I felt his arms wrap around me as I snuggled into his chest.Soon after that I felt his flesh hand rub my back and hair while his metal hand stayed in place around my waist.I listened to his heartbeat as his chest started to rise and fall in rhythm with it.I heard gentle breathing and realized he had fallen asleep with a small smile on his face.I quickly fell asleep to the sounds of the music combined with his breathing and heartbeat as I laid on his chest.

Bucky's POV:

I woke up the next morning and remembered the events of the previous night as I started to stretch a little.I heard a small sucking noise and looked down at my doll as I noticed she had fallen asleep on my chest with her left hand laid across my abs and her right hand balled up into a fist as she sucked on her thumb.I smiled at the beautiful sight and just laid there watching her sleep.She looked so peaceful and happy,if only she could be this way when she was awake as well.I wanted to stay like this forever but I knew she would wake up at some point.I pulled the blanket back over her as I watched her uncurl from her tiny ball form and place her legs on top of mine.I chuckled slightly as she continued to suck her finger and lay on me.

Just Friends-A Bucky x Brittany Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now