Getting to know each other

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Bucky's POV:

I flopped down on my bed going over the events of this morning in my head.How could such a sweet and innocent girl be so broken and damaged?Tony was an awful father to her and all she's ever known is pain and suffering. She's been isolated and alone most of her life and it's just so sad it makes my heart hurt.I just wanted to take her pain away and give her a life of only happiness and good memories despite only knowing her for a few hours.Nobody deserved that kind of pain and suffering especially not her.

I got up to go to the training room to burn off some energy when a sudden noise caught my attention.It sounded like crying coming from Brittany's room.I knocked on her door but there was no answer so I walked in and ran to her side not believing what I saw.She was crying in her sleep and squeezing her bedsheets so tight her knuckles were white.She was wiggling under the covers and calling out for her mom.

"Mommy,wake up,please.Why aren't you moving or breathing?Please don't leave me.I need you.Wake up mommy please.I don't wanna be alone.Don't die just open your eyes and breathe.Don't leave me alone"she cried in her sleep.It was the saddest sound in the world.

"Brittany wake up it's not real.Just open your eyes.It's me Bucky ok?I'm right here just listen to the sound of my voice."I said as I tried to shake her awake.She wouldn't wake up so I picked her up and rocked her gently back and forth until she woke up.

She woke up breathing hard and visibly shaking.She looked around trying to figure out where she was as she continued crying.When she saw my face she held on to me tightly and cried into my shoulder. I held her tight and didn't let go until her breathing was under control and she was crying a little less.

She crawled on top of my lap and sat there as she wrapped her arms around my neck and cried.I hated seeing her in this much pain.She looked absolutely miserable and all I could do at that moment was comfort her.I rubbed her back and her hair to calm her down and it seemed to work."Shh,shh,there there doll it's alright.I'm right here ok and I won't leave your side until you tell me to ok?Just let it out and you'll feel lots better ok?Just breathe for me ok?I got you and I promise nothing will happen to you.It was just a dream ok doll it wasn't real."I did my best to comfort her until she finally felt better.When she was done crying, she tried to climb off my lap but I just held her in place and hugged her.We stayed like this for a while until she had completely calmed down.

"You ok now Brittany?We can talk about it if you want or you don't have to,it's completely fine if you don't wanna talk right now,that's understandable.Just know I'm always here for you no matter what alright?"I talked in a calm and soothing tone as I wiped the last of the tears out of her eyes and gave her hands a small squeeze.

"Please stay Bucky,I don't want to be alone anymore.I need someone who won't abandon me"she said in between hiccups."I really need to talk about my pain with someone because it's eating away at me and it hurts so bad.I need you Bucky."She said as her hiccups finally went away.

"Ok Brittany,I'll sit here and listen as long as you need me to ok?I promise I will never leave you."I told her as she leaned her head against my chest.I sat there and listened to all the trauma and torture she had been through from the time she was four up until now.I knew she was suffering but I never knew it was that deep.She even showed me her scars from cutting her wrists and all the shock therapy.

The amount of pain she went through was enough to make me want to turn back into the Winter Soldier and kill every single person who had hurt her including Tony.What kind of monster abandons their child and forces them to go through therapy multiple times even after it failed to help them?No child should have to be forced to get their brains fried or be heavily medicated on a daily basis.I understood why she constantly cut herself and wanted to die all the time.It's no wonder she barely eats or sleeps and constantly has nightmares.Who wouldn't after being assaulted below the waistband?It also makes sense why she put up walls and shut off her emotions to protect herself.Being abandoned and alone combined with being assaulted and tortured is enough to make anyone unstable.When she finally finished she was crying again and I started crying too because what I had just listened to was extremely traumatic.

We laid on her bed crying and comforting each other until we couldn't cry anymore.By then it was nearly time for lunch so we got up and cleared our faces before going downstairs to find the others.She asked if I would tell the others what she had just told me about her past that way they would know why she was so fragile and distanced.I was against it at first but eventually changed my mind and agreed to it.

After we found the others in the living room,we sat down with them and I told them what Brittany had just told me about her past.Their faces went from shock to pity to anger to worry and by the end of the story they were all hugging Brittany.A bunch of them cursed and for once Steve didn't yell at them for it.They we're angry at the people who hurt her and ready to kill them all.We all gave Tony the death stare and yelled at him about being an awful parent.

Even Loki was angry and upset about what happened.Everybody swore to protect her and get revenge on the monsters of her past.After everyone calmed down we grabbed some lunch from the kitchen and then spent the rest of the day in the movie room watching tv to cheer Brittany up and comfort her.She curled up in a ball next to me and laid on my chest as I played with her hair and rubbed her back.We ended up ordering pizza for dinner and eating it while watching tv.

After a long day of watching tv we all went back to our rooms and got ready for bed.I finished getting ready then went to Brittany's room to check on her one last time."You ok in here Brittany"I called as I entered her room.She turned around and stopped fiddling with whatever device was on her bedside table to face me.She ran over to me and hugged me tight while saying thanks for helping her out today and getting her to open up to everybody.I told her it was no problem and hugged her back before she went back to fiddling with the device on her table.

She noticed me looking confused so she explained that it was a music pod that she loaded with songs she liked so she could fall asleep at night.She also showed me her teddy bear and her comfort blanket as well.She even had a cute journal she used for venting her bad memories and feelings.

I kissed her head goodnight and let her kiss my cheek before going back to my room for the night.

Just Friends-A Bucky x Brittany Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now