Meeting The Avengers

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After I heard the first explosion go off,I quickly woke up and packed all my stuff with the help of my powers.I then ran to the garage where my dad's private plane was kept and hopped on.I set the destination for "The Avenger Compound" in New York then quickly called dad and explained what happened.He told me to come straight to him and that's what I did.I put the plane in auto pilot mode and then went to check for any major injuries from the explosion.I had a few small cuts and bruises but nothing super serious so I cleaned myself up the best I could and bandaged up all my injured spots.It was two in the morning and I new the flight was eight hours so I sat in one of the seats and fell asleep.By the time I woke up I was at the tower so I called dad to let him know I arrived.

"Baby are you ok?I was so worried about you.I can't believe they're still after you after all this time.Are you hurt?Any major injuries?"My dad hugged me and then bombarded me with a bunch of questions after he hugged me.

"No dad just a few small cuts and bruises.I all ready patched myself up.Can you help me with my bags please dad?"We each grabbed a few bags and made our way to the elevator as we chatted about my progress back at home.I lied and said I was getting better to avoid him making things worse like he did last time and he seemed to believe me.

We got off the elevator in the main floor which looked like a living room it's a bar for some reason.After that we walked down to the kitchen where he was going to introduce me to the Avengers.I was extremely nervous and my hands were visibly shaking like usual but dad didn't notice.We walked into the kitchen and everybody stopped talking and looked at us with a friendly but puzzled look.

"Hi guys this is my daughter Brittany.Be gentle with her alright she's extremely shy and doesn't talk very much.It might take her some time to get to know you all but be patient ok?Before you ask yes there will be a party but not tonight.The party will be Saturday to celebrate her 14th birthday."My dad explained as he wrapped his arms around me and gave a gentle squeeze.

"Hi guys I'm Brittany Stark"I managed to say while fidgeting with my fingers and looking at the ground.My left leg was tapping the floor uncontrollably which was also normal.

I looked up and everybody was smiling at me and waving so I gave them a small wave back.Everybody took turns introducing themselves one at a time so they didn't scare me.A few tried to shake my hand but when they saw me flinch backwards they immediately stopped.

"Hi I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat"
"Hi I'm Wanda"
"Hi I'm Clint"
"Nice to meet you I'm Bruce"
"I'm Pietro"
"I'm Sam"
"I'm Thor,God of Thunder"I quickly jumped back when I heard the word thunder because it scared me.My dad told him to take it easy on the thunder cause it scared me.The man agreed and apologized for scaring me.I forgave him and the introductions continued.

"Loki,God of mischief"I looked at him in wonder as his skin turned to icy blue.I giggled a little and said I liked his skin which made him smile.Apparently the others make fun of him for it including my dad so he rarely brings it out.I'm the first one not to make fun of it.He said he liked me already but my dad said no funny business.

"Nice to meet you kid I'm Steve"I scooted backwards a little remembering he was a hundred year old super soldier.I guess he noticed he made me uncomfortable but promised me everybody here was friendly.

My dad explained that I had infinite unlimited powers and that I was still learning to control them.Everybody got excited after that but calmed down when they saw how uncomfortable I was around lots of people and loud noise.Everybody promised to make me feel at home and not to push me too much.

Suddenly the kitchen door opened and a guy with a metal arm walked in.We all turned to look at him and the first person he noticed was me,standing next to my dad.

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