The Sicky

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The weeks after that flew by and before I knew it Halloween was a week away.I was supposed to go on a mission with the others but I wasn't feeling all that great so I stayed behind.Bucky stayed too so he could take care of me.It was just a nagging cold that I caught after I took a quick jog in the rain.It was sprinkling at first and I had my jacket on but I turned around and headed back to the tower once it started pouring rain.By the time I got back I was soaked in rain and sick by the next morning.

My dad had come to wake me up because I had slept in later than usual which was rare.I only slept in when I'm either really tired from a long day/night or when I'm sick. "Hey kiddo you alright,it's almost lunchtime and your still sleeping.Your usually one of the first ones up and you never miss breakfast.Tell me what's wrong so I can help you out ok"dad asked as he gently tried to shake me to wake me up.

"I don't feel good dad,it's probably because of my rainy jog from yesterday.I just want sleep ok,I'm not hungry"I groaned as I turned my back towards him and pulled the blanket over my head.I moaned from the discomfort and politely asked if I could sit out the next mission. "Of course sweetheart,I would never force you to go on a mission if you didn't feel good.I'll have Bucky stay so he can take care of you,how does that sound huh"he rubbed my back in small circles as he kissed my forehead. "Yes please"I mumbled as I felt dad's arms wrap me in a hug.He stood up and walked out the door to find Bucky to see if he would stay with me.

Bucky's POV:

I was in the training room getting in some last minute practice with everybody before the mission.I was sparring with Steve when we all stopped as Tony walked in. "Bucky,could you please sit this mission out"he asked as he leaned against the door frame. "What did I do this time Tony"I questioned as I felt anger bubbling inside me.I couldn't possibly think of why I would have to stay behind.I was cleared for missions weeks ago and hadn't done anything to make Tony or the others mad at least I don't think I have.

"You didn't do anything wrong Bucky calm down.Brittany isn't feeling good and I need someone to stay behind and look after her. I feel like your the only one she'll let get close to her while she's sick.You two are dating so she's your responsibility anyway"he answered, breaking me from my train of thought. "Ok I'll stay behind but only because she's my doll and I love her.We all know you can't stay behind anyways because we all saw what happened to her last time you were left in charge of her"I replied with a smirk on my face.

The others burst out laughing until Tony pulled out his blaster and aimed for my head.I quickly dodged the blast and mumbled an apology.
"Real funny Bucky.You pull something like that again and you'll be sitting out missions until Brittany's 30th birthday understand"he growled. "Got it Tony.I'm going to finish up sparring with Steve real quick then I'll go check on her alright"I remarked with annoyance.I didn't like staying behind on missions but I would gladly do so if my doll needed me to which apparently she did right now.I love her and would do absolutely anything for her.

I walked up to her room and knocked on her door so I didn't scare her. "Leave me alone and let me sleep.I already told you I'm not hungry dad.Just go on your mission and let me stay here with Bucky"she responded with annoyance.I could tell she wasn't feeling good because of how her voice sounded.It was raspy and nasally like it hurt to talk. " It's me doll, Bucky.I just came to see how your doing but from the sound of it not too good"I called as I opened the door.I ducked as a pillow flew in my direction from her bed.I chuckled as it missed me.Why are all the Starks taking shots at me today?

"Sorry James I didn't know it was you.I thought it was my dad.Don't get too close I don't want to get you sick"she mumbled from her bed.She was barely moving and buried up under her blanket. "That's ok doll I'm not mad just worried about you.How about we cuddle and watch The Mask,it's your favorite movie and it always makes you laugh"I asked as I slowly moved closer to her bed. "No cuddles just the movie please.I don't wanna get you sick alright"she pleaded as she poked her head from under the blanket and gave me sad puppy eyes.Her face was pale and she looked exhausted like she hadn't slept all night.Her nose was bright pink and she was shaking.

Just Friends-A Bucky x Brittany Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now