♡3•Miranda Bailey•3♡

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Once I sat down at the intern's table, I dropped my bag on the floor and hit my head on the table. I felt Lexie stroking my hair as I put my head in my hands.

"Lexie." I looked at her. "I hate you." I put my head back in my hands.

"I'm sorry. I had to order some CT scans for my patient. His head is practically torn from his body. Dr. Yang doesn't know if he's gonna make it." She took her burger and ate some of it.

"I didn't want my first meeting with Meredith to be like that. I didn't even want to meet Meredith in the first place!" I fished my granola bar out of my bag and took a bite. "When I told her and her friends that I already graduated med school, she looked exactly like Molly." I took another bite.

"Woah. You graduated med school already? But you're like 10!" One of the interns said.

"A, I'm 13 and B, it's not impossible to graduate early." I smiled at him then turned back to my sister. "Lexie, I'm pretty sure that Meredith never knew we existed and that she never wanted to meet us." I looked back at my half-sister's table and sure enough, she and her friends were staring at me and Lexie weirdly. 

Just as I finished my granola bar, Lexie's pager beeped. "Oh the CT scans are ready. I gotta go, Liz." She took one more bite of her burger and stood up from the table.

"I'm gonna go too." I picked up my backpack from under the table. "I don't wanna be here when Meredith decides to interrogate me."

"Ok. Stay out of trouble. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Bye." She kissed the top of my head and left the cafeteria.

I used the cafeteria's other exit and found myself on the 2nd floor. I was about to use the elevators to go to the 3rd floor when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Lizzie Grey, what in the world are you doing here?" I turned around and sure enough, Dr. Bailey was right behind me with a huge smile on her face.

"Dr. Bailey!" I ran to her and hugged her. "It's Lexie's first day of work and I didn't wanna miss it."

"Oh well that explains it. How are you and your family doing?" She looked at me with sympathy on her face. Dr. Bailey was one of the doctors who was present when my mother died of the hiccups. Her and apparently, Meredith Grey.

"I'm ok. Molly's in another state, Dad's uh grieving in his own way and Lexie and I are doing fine." I smiled sheepishly at Dr. Bailey. I didn't particularly like talking about my mom's death. Sometimes I pretend she's still alive and just went on vacation. I know I'm 13 but how are you supposed to deal with losing your mom?

"I have a surgery in a bit. Removing foreign objects from a man with PICA. He ate some nasty stuff." Dr. Bailey said as she put on her scrub cap.

"If you're not busy. Would you mind checking on my post-ops? I only have 3 of them." She started washing her hands.

"Wouldn't Chief Webber be angry?" 

"I'll deal with the chief. Besides it'll be good practice for next year. Ask the nurses for my post-ops. See you after surgery Dr. Grey."

I walked back to the nurses station and asked for Dr. Bailey's post-ops. None of the nurses looked at me weirdly or questioned why a 13-year old was checking in on patients. A red-headed nurse handed me the charts. "Thanks." I smiled politely at her and she smiled back. 

I went to room 2212 first. Jessica Tale, a 38-year old female had her appendix removed just last night.

"Hi I'm Dr. Grey. I'll be checking on you since Dr. Bailey's in surgery." I smiled at the patient who was reading a book. Once she looked up from her book, she looked very alarmed.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude but how old are you?" 

"I'm 13. I graduated med school a few weeks ago. If you're uncomfortable with my age, I can get another doctor to check up on you but that could take a while since most general surgeons are in surgery right now." I closed her chart.

"No that's fine. If Dr. Bailey says that you should check up on me, then who am I to stand in the way?" She lifted her gown for me to check the incision.

"Well your wound isn't infected so that's good. I'm gonna palpate your abdomen. Let me know if you feel any pain." Once I finished the rest of my exam, I started writing in her chart.

"What book are you reading?" I attempted to make small chat with her to make her feel comfortable.

"A Thousand Splendid Suns. It's a very nice book, you should read it." Mrs. Tale smiled at me.

"I'll be sure to read it once I get home." I closed her chart. "Well if there's no pain in your abdomen and your wound doesn't get infected, you can go home in the next 2 days." 

"Thank you, Dr. Grey." She smiled at me and I left the room.

It went the same way for the next two patients. They were both scared because I was 13 but still allowed me to check up on them. I finished at 1:30pm and returned the charts to the nurses station.

I went towards the elevator to go to the 3rd floor. When the doors opened, I saw Dr. Sloan and a few other people as well.

"Hey Lizzie." Dr. Sloan waved at me.

I waved back politely and stared as the two doors started closing. As they were about to close, a hand came in the middle and opened the doors again. That hand belonged to no other than Meredith Grey.

She saw me but entered the elevator anyway.

"Meredith, I want you to meet my favorite genius in the world." Dr. Sloan gestured towards me. "This is Lizzie.. She graduated med school just a few weeks ago." He smiled devilishly. He knew that Meredith and I were sisters. 

"We actually met in the cafeteria." Meredith said but she didn't look at me. Dr. Sloan looked toward me and I nodded my head slightly.

When we got to the 3rd floor, I started to step out and so did Meredith. We bumped into each other.

"Sorry." I apologized quietly and ran towards the cafeteria as fast as I could. As I was running, I bumped into someone else again.

"I'm sorry, sir." I apologized again and started walking away from him.

"Lizzie? Is that you?" I turned around and it was my favorite neurosurgeon in the world, Dr. Shepherd

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now