S2E2: Motion to Adjourn

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We come back up outside of Blue Base. Tucker, Church, Carmine, and DuFresne are crouched behind one rock while Caboose is behind another rock farther away. The Reds are firing around the rocks, missing every shot.

Carmine: "Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to head to the roof of the base and lay down some suppressing fire. Church, I want you to take charge of the situation out here."

Church: "Got it."

Carmine then activates his active camouflage and runs into Blue Base. When he gets inside he becomes visible again and sighs.

Carmine: "Alright, Z, we probably have a few hours to kill."

Zeta appears over Carmine's shoulder.

Zeta: "Yup."

Carmine: "...Wanna play Uno?"

We cut back to the outside of Blue Base.

Church: "Okay, Tucker, I need you to get up there, help Caboose shore up the defense, establish a suppressing fire, and hold that position until further notice."

Tucker: "I didn't even know what half of that meant."

Church: "Just go over to Caboose's rock, and fire your gun a bunch."

Tucker: "That rock? Yeah, I don't think so."

Church: "We do not have time to discuss this."

Tucker: "Sure, no time for you to discuss it. You get to hang out here with Nancy No-Bullets shootin' the breeze. Meanwhile, I'm out there, running around, eating a machine gun sandwich."

Church: "Tucker, we're gonna give you covering fire."

Tucker: "Covering fire? Unless that means you're gonna build a huge, bullet-proof wall between me and them, I think you need to come up with a new plan. Preferably one that involves me keeping the same quantity of blood that I have right now."

Church: "No problem. Oh wait wait, does the blood have to be in your body?"

The camera zooms over to Grif and Simmons who are each firing their machine guns at the Blues.

Grif: "Simmmonns... I-I can'tt ffeeel my handdds."

Simmons: "Maybe you should lay off the trigger, you dumbass."

The camera zooms back to Church, Tucker, and DuFresne.

Church: "Alright you, Doc, get over there and help Caboose!"

DuFresne: "My name isn't Doc, it's DuFresne."

Church: "Yeah. I can't pronounce that, so from now on, your name is Doc."

DuFresne: "I'm not really comfortable with that. I'm not a doctor, I'm a medic."

Tucker: "What's the difference?"

DuFresne: "Well, a doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable.. while they die."

Tucker: "Mental note: don't ever get shot."

Church: "It's settled then. Your name is now Doc."

DuFresne: "Alright, but I don't think it'll stick."

The background then goes greyscale as DuFresne slides into the foreground as a chord from the theme song plays. The word "DOC" floats across the screen in purple.

Tucker: "Oh, trust us, it'll stick."

Church: "Now get over to Caboose, and help him hold that position."

Red Vs Blue: Agent New Jersey: The Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now