Chapter 1

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Y/n's power:

( A/N - some of these are from the series Avatar: The Last air bender. They're my favourite type of bending so I thought I'd add it. )

Dark Moon - A powerful blast that turns day into night.

Can control all Elements - Fire, Ice, Earth, Water, air ( Not avatar )

Blood bending - Can control people by using their blood, basically making them a puppet. Nobody can resist it.

Seismic sense - can sense when someone is about to attack by using the earth.

Metal bending - Can bend and control metal

Lightning strike - Powerful red lightning appears from the sky and makes a direct hit based on what or who the target is.

Shield - can create a powerful force field which can take any attack, powerful or not.

Telekenis - Can control anything with your mind by moving objects etc

Dark Force - A power that can only be held by Lucifer but since she's Lucifer's daughter she holds the power too. It enables any living thing to turn to dust by the touch. It can be very deadly when there's no control.

Dream - Anything that is a mystery of the past comes into her dreams and shows the truth. For example, visions, etc

Shadow manipulation - Enables you to control the shadows making them do whatever you want.

Illusion - creates illusions, making the victims hallucinate their worst fears.

Orb - A powerful light that is so bright it can blind you.

Teleportation - Allows you to arrive anywhere you want in a split second. Whether it's miles a way or not.

Truth - Can sense when someone is telling the truth or not.

Mind manipulation - can control peoples minds and access their memories.


. Using to much power causes you to faint or your muscles weaken to the point where you can't walk.

. Poison enables you to be in a deep sleep for a few days. Even if its deadly it can affect you but it doesn't kill you.

Father: Lucifer
Mother - unkown


Lucifer was locked away when Y/n was a baby, her mother ( unknown ) transported her to the human world and ended up in Arcadia.

Now that Lucifer is locked away, all of his power went into her causing her to be the most powerful being to ever exist.

Her Mother abandoned her when she was a baby. She left Y/n to be looked after by a couple called Mary and John.

At the age of 4, Mary died of cancer. John blamed it on Y/n. He became an alcoholic and never stopped smoking and drinking. He abused Y/n until he died 4 years later.

At the age of 8, Y/n was sent to an orphanage. That's when Y/n found out about her power. They also abused her a lot because of the power she possesses. They were afraid of her and thought she didn't belong in this world.

All this abuse caused a massive scar to appear on Y/n's arm.

All this abuse caused a massive scar to appear on Y/n's arm

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( How long the scar is )

Y/n escaped at the age of 14, by using her fire to burn the orphanage down. Nobody suspected her and thought it was an accident.

Y/n was found by Douxie in the alley, she was all bruised and had multiple cuts. He took her in and allowed her to live where he lives.

Y/n found out more of her powers and was being taught by Douxie since he is a wizard.

Y/n already knows about the trolls and the wizards. She even knows about Krel, they've been best friends since she was found which was 3 years ago. Making Y/n the age 17.

Y/n's weapons:


This weapon is the most powerful

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This weapon is the most powerful. It can cut through anything and can create earthquakes. It's impossible to break.

Also, it only chooses one user and that was Y/n. Only Y/n can use it. Anyone who tried to use this weapon will turn to dust.

The shadow sword:

This sword was created by Lucifer himself

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This sword was created by Lucifer himself. This is the only thing that was left behind from him.

This sword creates portals to anywhere you want to go and can cut through anything.

This sword can only be used by Lucifer and his relatives meaning only Y/n can use it.

The Skull Dagger:

This dagger is made of very rare metal

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This dagger is made of very rare metal. One scratch of this dagger your dead. The only person that isn't affected by this dagger is Y/n, since she is immortal.

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