Chapter 10

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Nari's POV

Me, Skrael and Douxie were ready to sneak out to do the most stupidest thing we've ever done. I still can't believe we're going to do this, it can go wrong in so many ways.

( Time skip to were they escaped and are now at The Arcane Order's base )

We nervously walked up to the giant skull base. We decided to wait for them to come out. A few minutes later, Skrael and Bellroc came out cautiously.

It looked like Skrael had been crying a lot since his cheeks are stained with tears. I've never seen him like that before.

He said coldly,
" Have you finally decided to hand Nari over?"

Douxie stepped forward and exclaimed looking a bit sad with determination in his voice,
" We want Y/n back, I never planned on her being trapped in a necklace but I miss her. She was like a sister to me, meaning I'll do whatever it takes. We are asking for your help to get her back,"

I saw a look of shock and sadness in Skrael's eyes but I noticed he was doing the best he could not to show emotion.

I also stepped forward hoping I'd persuade him,
" I know you're hurting Skrael, your my brother I can read you like a book,"

He sighed in defeat,
" Fine, we're only working together to get Y/n back, nothing else,"

Krel asked,
" What's the plan?"

It took a while for Skrael to reply, probably thinking wether he should trust us or not. He finally replied,

" We collect the ashes of the necklace she was captured in. We thought the only way to get her back was to get the necklace back. We have the ashes so there must be some way to get it back,"

Douxie thought for a second before breaking the silence,
" Archie told me Merlin knows a witch. She knows about all the trolls and wizards because she's same age as Merlin. Maybe if we ask her to turn the ashes back into the necklace we can set Y/n free,"

Krel commented,
" One problem, do we even know where she is?"

Douxie nodded,
" I went once, she lives an 30 mins away in the woods,"

I finally gained some hope after that conversation. I finally have a chance to get her back.

We all went into the base and set of to Zelda's house.


We arrived at Zelda's cottage. She lived in the middle of the woods. It was an eerie place to stay even if it was just 5 mins.

As we entered, there were skeletons of all kind of animals dangling from trees and fences. Then there was a cottage in the middle of the fences. It looked old and dirty. On the porch was more skeletons of little animals hanging just above the front door.

It made me uncomfortable but brushed it off since I'm so close to getting Y/n back. Douxie knocked on the old door. Every step we would take there would be a creek. How old is this house?

An old woman answered the door. She wore necklaces, some were made out of bones, some were amulets. She had a lot of witch jewelry on, like amulets, crystals etc. She wore red clothing that looked old fashioned.

She smiled at the sight of Douxie,
" Douxie! It's so nice to see you dear! What brings you?"

He chuckled nervously,
" I was wondering if you could magically form a necklace using only it's ashes,"

She thought for a moment before signalling us to follow her. We walked into the old house, there were all sorts of crystals on cabinets and lots of voodoo items. There were also horrible stuff in jars that we're probably for potions.

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