Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV

I've never been so happy. I'm Skrael's girlfriend and I've always been wearing the necklace. I promised myself to never take it off.

Suddenly, the ships alarm went of when a woman spoke,
" warning, warning. Enemies outside ready to attack!"

I got into my battling outfit and brushed my hair. I grabbed my weapons and headed to the main ship room. Everyone was ready to battle as Skrael came up to me,
" Be careful out there, okay?"

I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. We all exited the ship and saw everyone all ready to fight.

Merlin exclaimed,
" You'll never get Nari and the Genesis seals,"

I stepped in front,
" Yeah about that, I think your wrong in the last part,"

Suddenly, the 5 shadows appeared behind me as the middle one carried the Genesis seals. They gave it me,
" I've had five of my best shadows to manipulate you into giving them to me,"

I turned around and nodded, letting them know I don't need there help. They then disappeared into thin air. I gave the Genesis seals to Bellroc.

Merlin immediately blasted a blast but I used my earthbending to block it.
" Nice try, "

Then we all started battling. Claire was fighting my Mother, I was fighting Aaarrrgh and blink, and Skrael and Bellroc were fighting the rest a few miles away.

I knew this fight would be over quickly. I trapped them in my force fields which is impossible to break.
I walked up to them,
" I'm sorry I have to do this,"

They just have me angry looks. Morgana teleported next to me and was impressed that I won the fight already,
" well done, you make me proud every day,"

I smiled,
" Thanks Mother,"

The trolls in my force field were shocked when they found out about my Mother.

Blinky asked in pure shock,
" Your the daughter of Morgana? I never knew she had a daughter,"

I then realised something,
" Hey, where's Claire?"

" She'll find me any minute now,"

A black portal opened above us, Claire fell out and was about to hit her with her shadow staff but I blocked the attack with my sword. I then kicked the staff out of her hands and cut it in half.

Claire stood there shocked that I destroyed her weapon.

" I'm sorry but whoever tries to hurt my Mother has to to deal with me first,"

Claire again was surprised to hear about my Mother. Morgana commented,
" You remind me so much of your Father,"

Suddenly, I didn't see Merlin's blast coming. He hit Morgana in the stomach causing her to fly back and hit a tree.

I then turned to Merlin with an angry look. I gritted my teeth,
" First my Father, now my Mother. Your seriously getting on my nerves,"

I was about to used my telekinesis but it didn't work. Then I noticed there were red circled forming around my wrists.

Merlin exclaimed,
" This is for your own good, they're power cancelling spells. I used them on your father before he transferred his power to you. I'm sorry I have to do this,"

Everyone who was battling came and watched me and Merlin. I noticed Skrael wasn't here so I decided to call him. I held my necklace and said his name 3 times.

He appeared next to Morgana and looked at me in confusion and worry. As Merlin pulled out a peculiar necklace I knew I was about to be defeated. I looked at Skrael and my Mother with tears in my eyes and whispered,
" I'm sorry, I love you both,"

I looked at my hands to see they were vanishing. Then my arms and then soon enough I was being sucked into the necklace. The last thing I heard was Skrael's voice yelling my name.

Skrael's POV

I was summoned to see Y/n standing a few feet away from Merlin. I looked down to see Morgana was badly injured.

I began to wonder why she wasn't fighting back then I noticed she had power cancelling bracelets on her wrists.

She looked at me and Morgana and whispered with tears forming in her eyes,
" I'm sorry, I love you both,"

Then before I knew it she was being sucked into the dark blue necklace Merlin was holding. My heart dropped to my stomach as I was fighting my tears.

I yelled,
" Y/N!!"

All that was left of her was the necklace I gave her and her weapons, they dropped to the floor. I was about to get the necklace from Merlin's grasp but he crushed it into ash. She's gone.

Merlin said to us,
" We will be back, Lucifer's daughter is now gone meaning you aren't as powerful as you were before,"

When him and his friends disappeared I dropped to my knees with tears running down my cheeks. My heart has been shattered into a million pieces. I won't see her again.

I sadly floated over to her necklace that was abandoned along with her weapons. I held the necklace close to my chest thinking about Y/n.

I'll never see her sweet smile again or her cute giggles. I heard groaning from behind me to see Morgana regaining her consciousness.

She looked around confused,
" Where's Y/n? What happened?"

I didn't care if she saw me crying, all I want is Y/n back. I explained everything, I saw tears form in her eyes too.

She limped over to where I was sat and broke down,
" NO! NO! She can't be gone! I promised her I'd never leave her!"

More tears formed in my eyes and I held the necklace she have me on the same day we had our first kiss.

Bellroc walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder for comfort,
" We'll get her back,"

She have me a mini jar, I immediately ran over to the necklace ashes and started collecting them. I made sure I had every last one.

I'll get you back Y/n, I promise.

Douxie's POV

We arrived at HexTech still shocked at what just happened. I get why Y/n joined the Arcane Order and I never hated her.

The thing that bothers me most is that Merlin lied to us. He said that he would hide the necklace not destroy it. I couldn't hide my anger much longer and yelled at Merlin in front of everyone,

Everyone flinched when I yelled with tears in my eyes. The room was silent until Krel interrupted,
" He's right Merlin, you destroyed that necklace meaning my best friend could be gone forever. I'm never going to forgive you for that,"

Tears emerged from his eyes and slowly made its way down his cheek. Everyone agreed with me, I even saw Nari getting upset.

Merlin explained with no emotion,
" Well, I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do. Y/n is now with her Father,"

Nari's POV

My heart broke knowing Y/n is gone. She was like a sister to me. We talked and laughed in our spare time before she joined the Arcane Order.

My heart can't take this pain, it feels like my heart has been stabbed a million pieces. I then realised the pain my brother must be in.

I have to get her back, even if it means getting help from my siblings.

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