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Emily asked, as she lay on the couches with her friends, sipping a berry smoothie Farran had made for the group.
Azari rolled her eyes. "Thankfully not. Honestly Em, it's like you expect there to be a new evil every week. OR WAIT," Azari suddenly shot up and pointed at Emily with a comedic wide eyed expression. "ARE YOU THE NEXT EVIL WE ENCOUNTER!" Emily burst into giggles as she waved her hand.

"Of course not, Azari! I would never!" Emily replied, and sipped the smoothie again. Emily subconsciously reached for the amulet hanging around her neck, fingering it to make sure it was still there. Her fingers brushed over the crack in the gem, and her worries resurfaced. However, she had been using it for weeks and it didn't seem to cause any trouble. Emily hoped it wouldn't act up.

"Sorry. Old habit, haha.." Emily scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment when she noticed the whole group staring at her. She quickly changed the subject. "Anyways, guys, do you know Sophie has a cruushh!"
Emily squealed, and Azari jumped up. "WHERE IS THAT HUMAN, WHO DARED TOUCH MY SOPHIE!"

"Sit down, Azari! Let's just listen to Emily's explanation." Nadia giggled, and motioned for Azari to sit down, which the fire elf did, grudgingly. It happened that Sophie decided to pop in while Emily had revealed about her crush, and Sophie whined behind them. "NOOO EMILY! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL THEMM!" Sophie smacked a fluffy pillow at her older sister and sat herself down angrily. Her face flushed red, and she hid herself in a cushion.

"Hey. I didn't promise anything. Anyways, having a crush is perfectly fine you know? It's part of life." Emily tried to console her younger sister, but the girl grumbled yet again, her complains muffled under the pillow.

Sensing that Sophie wasn't comfortable about it, Farran leaned forward to give a suggestion. "Hey guys, why don't we have a ride on our dragons? They've recently come back from migration, and we haven't seen them for a while."

The entire group nodded enthusiastically, and Azari gave a fist pump and whooped in joy. Sophie grudgingly followed, and they left the treehouse. Of course, Emily realised that Cronan hadn't followed. He was looking downcast, leaning sadly against the door of the treehouse.

Emily stared at him for a while. "Aren't you going to fly with us?" The elf shook his head, and a vine shot up, but disappeared immediately with a flick of his hand. "No. I wouldn't want to- Ashwing brings back... memories."
He hung his head and proceeded to go back inside when he felt a tugging on his shirt. It was Sophie, looking at him in anticipation and all the innocence a twelve year old could muster. "Aren't you gonna help me ride on Ashwing? Emily's dragon is royal, sure, but your dragon has SPIKES and looks like liquid poison- it's much cooler than Em's white and gold dragon- blegh!"

Cronan gave in, sighing and smiling weakly. "Fine. I can't resist you anyway." He strode over to the group, smirked. "So, where are we going?"


Aira whistled, and the Pegasi trotted over with the carriage behind. "Hop in, guys! Off to see our dragons!"

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