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Cronan said awkwardly, clutching onto the duvet. He had woken up, true to Skyra's word, four days later, in the early afternoon. A pounding headache had accompanied him since he woke up, though it was fading slightly with every minute.

In front of him was his aunt, Skyra, who was sitting on a chair next to the table. Her lavender locks were, as always, immaculate and neat, some hanging at down at the sides of her face, and the rest in a bun. Her usual robes of white and gold were present too, but the golden winged circlet that often rested on her head was gone.

Skyra chuckled, and shook her head, smiling. " No, Cronan, you didn't cause me much trouble. You know how dull the Royal Court is, and taking leave because I am 'sick' is lovely."

"Wait, Skyra, you didn't just wiggle your way out of Royal fucking Court?" Cronan said incredulously, picking at a stray thread in the duvet. He tilted his head questioningly, his mouth open slightly in shock.

"Mind your words, nephew." Skyra chided, and Cronan grew red with embarrassment. "But yes, I did call in sick and made lovely, coughing sounds, with the help of my Pegasus."

"Pfft. If I could hedge a bet, you probably haven't taken a break since the last twelve years or so, and since mother and I are officially 'missing', you made up an excuse to take leave from the Court and found out that it was nice, for once, to not listen to the drone and drabble of Lord so-and-so, who wants to add a new clause to the No Burning Trees act of 1755."

Cronan said, laying back on the headboard of the bed. He was quite relaxed now, talking freely with his aunt – he couldn't remember a time from before when he was shy of the Air Sister, but recent events are had made him slightly apprehensive of the Air Sister when he had first woken up.

"Don't trash talk Lord So-and-so, Cronan!" Skyra said playfully. "He worked very hard to get the board to hear his proposition, and he comes from the most Noble of Families, the House of So-and-so!"

Cronan snorted at this. He reached a glass of water, which was conveniently at his bedside, Thanks Skyra! Drinking a large gulp from the glass, he set it back down.

"I know we have just been joking and all, but I'd o wish to ask, are you okay as of late?" Skyra questioned, her brow furrowing. The Air Sister had taken a serious turn.

Cronan bit his lip before nodding, not trusting himself to speak. He wasn't sure what Skyra was implying, and he didn't want to guess, though his brain was firing theories at light speed.

Skyra sighed, and more worry seeped into her face.

"Well, this might be an awkward conversation, but it has to be done. I have neglected you for years, and when Quartzine-"

Skyra cut off, unsure of what to describe it.

"You can just say died. She's dead, anyways, especially after it got destroyed along with Darknicity." Cronan muttered, and his hands strayed to the thread on the duvet again. He lowered his head and avoided eye contact with Skyra, refusing to look up.

"Oh Cronan, I just- I should've done something when I heard news of it whispering in the wind away. The Court assumed you had also perished in whatever accident had happened, and none were too brave to enter the now corrupted part of the forest."

"I knew you were alive, though. I didn't do anything to even help, or- I could have sent you a wind message, or something, and I just, didn't. And then you took a turn down the same path Quartzine was going down and then I gave up hope. Instead of being there for you, I just sat back and thought of you as our new enemy."

"To be honest, I had taken the easy way out. I can only imagine what you went through, and I think if I was subjected to the same thing, I might have cracked too."

Cronan was silent during all of this, his face still lowered as his dark green hair dangled. He looked up and replied, much to the surprise of Skyra.

"No- no. I wasn't justified in all of this, corrupted amulet or not. You guys- your parents fought in a war, I have nothing to compare that to."

He lay back against the headboard again, though with a more serious face, before continuing.

"And I foolishly thought that if I had enough magic, I could bring back my mother. Which evidently, wasn't true at all."

And to this Skyra looked even more guilty, and she folded her hands on her lap. She asked, silently,
"How did you grow up and, survive, without your mother, if I may ask?"

Cronan gave a weak smile, and drew the duvet up higher.

"The goblins. They're surprisingly wonderful creatures, no matter what the Guardians might say. Pests to some, they are really helpful and cheerful, too. The cute little buggers brought me some food when I was a sobbing mess in the castle. Taught me how to cook, that sort of stuff. I think I endeared myself to them, too, in a way."

"Well, that's a nice thing to learn. It seems you attracted yourself some motherly figures, in a sort of sense. I guess you had to, when no one came to your aid."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Skyra. I've done plenty awful to you guys too, and I don't think I can come back from that."

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