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Johnny said to the group of friends, whom were currently gathered in front of his stall. To the baker's surprise, they didn't seem shocked at all. It even seemed like they had expected this to happen.

"Yeah, we get it, Johnny, don't sweat it. Azari's having the same problem right now, and if we ask some other fire elves we suspect it might be the same." Farran said.

Johnny was worried, to say the least. If other fire elves could have lost their magic too, something awful must have had happened. But he hadn't talked to, or seen other fire elves since the day had began. Which was a little odd, he now thought, since his bakery was located in the Lava Fields, where most fire elves resided.

His mind immediately went to his friend, Vuur Smokescreen, whom he had not seen recently, too. She usually came for a fix of a loaf of sour bread every week, but she hadn't come in to the bakery this week.

"Well, since I'm busy, I don't quite have the time to check up on another friend of mine, Vuur. And she hasn't come in to my bakery this week, strangely." Johnny started, leaning on the counter.

"And? What do you propose we do with your friend?" Azari was visibly confused, along with the rest of the group.

"She's another fire elf, you dummies. She lives in Lava Fields too, near Alnaar Lavafall, with her wife, Kaze Swiftwind. If you guy could help me check on her, please?" Johnny asked the group of friends in front of him, and Emily was the first to nod.

"No problem, Johnny. We'll go check on your friend!" Emily said, and slowly, the rest agreed, to. Johnny heaved a sigh of relief, at the very least he would know if Vuur was doing okay– they had been friends for almost a decade, Johnny had every reason to worry.

"But uh– where exactly is Alnaar Lavafall, for clueless elves who only know roughly where your bakery is?" Naida asked, looking confused.

"Ah right! Here's a map of Lava Fields; please give it back to me after you're done, okay?"

"Thanks Johnny. Let's go guys!" Farran took the map and carefully folded it, placing it in his pockets.

Johnny watched as they walked away, growing smaller and smaller on the horizon, every bone in his body anticipating for any news of his friend.

"Alright guys, it says we have to take two lefts and a right when we reach a... purple-tinged Lavafall?" Emily called out to the group, her last words were tinged eight confusion.

"Yeah that's right ahead, Emily. I didn't really listen in school when they talked about why it's purple– but it has to do with some weird elf witch doing it on a dare." Azari replied, as she pointed to a gushing lavafall straight ahead, falling off the cliff edge, a very thick mix of lava and a strange, purple like substance. It glowed and flowed purple. Emily was slightly flabbergasted but she had come to know that Elvendale sometimes subverted her version of normal.

She led the group ahead, careful not to step near the edges of the cracked earth near the lavafall, where she could slip and fall into the pools of purple lava. Soon, they reached another lava fall, smaller, and not purple. It led to a tiny stream of lava up ahead, circling around an isolated patch of land where a house stood.

It was a cozy brick home, with large windows to allow ventilation, and a glass roof where tropical plants were growing. Towards the path of land, leading to the house, was a path of flat rocks, going across the steady, small stream. The group crossed this with ease, and gathered around the front door.
Emily found a door knocker on the handle, which she used to call out the owner of the house.

"Hello? Is Vuur here? We're visiting on behalf of Johnny Baker?"

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