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My eyes weakly blink a few times before the sight become clear. Cold feeling around my wrists attracted my attention. I was tied with chains. That little idiot-

I stay still, not pulling at the restrainers. Pulling at these chains aren't gonna do anything, it'll just hurt my skin and waste my energy. I am not that stupid.

Minutes passed but no sign of Kai has been noticed. The sunlight coming peeking from the window went down from my eyeballs to my feet as time went by. It gifted me a terrible headache. Having any kind of light gaze at your eyes does that to you.

"Kai!" I yell out as I grow impatient.

Keep me restrained all you want but at least give me food and some painkillers.

"KAI! YOU FUCKER! GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" I growl. He innocently peeks through the wall before standing in front of me with his hands behind him, grinning like a fucking 5-year-old.

"I kidnapped you. You are in no position to bark orders at me, Gracie," he grits his jaws together.

"Be a good kidnapper and take care of your captive,"

"Dumbo! I am playing the role of a kidnapper here, not a caretaker or babysitter," well, he has a point.

"Change the location of this chair. A little left would be good. And some food and-" he cut my sentence.

"I see you are a spoiled brat. You are supposed to suffer,"

"Fine! But get me some painkillers," I say weakly. I intend to express myself way weaker than I am, hoping he will show some mercy and get me some damn painkiller. Mercy or what, if it gets me what I want I will take it. I don't care.

"Why do you need painkillers?" Confusion was clear on his appearance.

Talking about his appearance, it was rather nice. His nose is really pointy and cute. And his deceiving blue eyes. They have this hint of innocence that hid all his mischievous intention quite well. His lips that he keeps biting every now and then, look rather taste worthy that makes up for the amount of shit he speaks.

I giggle at my own thoughts which makes Kai appear more confused.

"I have this murderous headache. You positioned the chair right where the sunlight peaked and meet my eyes. Be thankful, I am not completely blind yet. The keyword is yet, if you keep me in this same place I will get blind, soon," he glances at the window. Nodding his head to me then moves forward placing his hands on either side of the armrest of the chair. He pushes the chair to further left.

His face was extremely close to me. I can feel my heart thumping against my ribcage heavily and rapidly as if it's trying to break free. I can feel his breath on my exposed neck. His head tilts to my side before he pulls away.

He takes a big whiff of air and huffing afterwards. "I'll be right back," with that he leaves my sight.


Almost like half an hour which feels like eternity Kai came back. He tosses a small container of medicine on my lap. Yeah, as if I don't have my hands tied. I glare at him.

"Oh, oop! Sorry," he grins like a child and takes the container from my lap. Unscrewing it, he takes out a pill and stalls close to where I was sitting. He holds it to my lips. I look at the white tablet then at his eyes. His gaze set on my lips. I part them and take in the tablet.

Two Of A Kind ⍟ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now