Chapter 2

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Author here! So I did some editing on part one so the lore of the book would make more since. Make sure to check that out if anyone even reads this. I thank the people who do because I'm terrible at writing books so I pity you guys. Also there will be strong language because... Well its Danganronpa? What did you expect? Miu's in there for crying out loud. No hate to her tho because she's one of my favorites.😅

I was now running from Kokichi when we heard an announcement. "Please come to the gymnasium for a VERY important announcement!" I stopped running along with Kokichi. I turned to him and asked, "umm... Where's the gymnasium?" He grabbed my hand and led me to the gym. "Here it is!" He smiled brightly as we walked in. There were loads of people there. We parted ways as I stood next to my brother and Kokichi went to go mess with Shuichi and some guy with spiky magenta hair. The magenta haired guy was also trying to get a scary looking girl with long dark brown pigtails and piercing red eyes.

Suddenly 5 HUGE and scary machines broke through the wall, scaring everyone in the gym. The machines started arguing about.. A script? How they weren't supposed to be in the "exisals" yet? Then some green haired guy spoke up. "You guys obviously want something from us so what is it? You have our attention now." They stopped arguing and looked at us. "Well aren't you a wise guy huh?" One of them mocked. "It isn't too late to leave the exisals is it?" Another one asked. They other ones agreed and... 5 tiny... robotic... Bears? "Rise n shine ursine!" They all yelled are they landed. They ended up arguing some more and then another bears show up on the stage this time. They were calling the black and white bear "dad" or "father". It was kinda annoying but then they said something that terrified me... " To answer your question from before, you're here to... PARTICIPATE IN A KILLING GAME! He yelled throwing his arms in the air. I immediately covered my mouth while gasping. Everyone started freaking out while B/N started glaring at everyone as a warning.

Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl with long pinkish hair. She was wearing a hot pink school uniform that kinda exposed her.. Umm.. Chest... She also had fingerless gloves and goggles that sat on her head perfectly. "U-Umm yes?" I answered smiling uneasily. "So are those horns real or are they fucking fake?" She placed her hands on her hips as she asked me that. "O-oh! N-no they're just for decoration!" I lied through my teeth, while trying my best to act like nothing just happened. She bent down a bit and looked at my suspiciously. I just continued to smile. "U-umm well I'm Y/N. I'm the Ultimate Mystery! What about you?" She stood back up all the way, gave me a cocky smiled and answered, "Well I was watching for you to fuckin ask!? I'm Miu fuckin Iruma! I'm the Ultimate Inventor! I'm probably the hottest thing your virgin eyes have ever looked at!" She laughed. My brother spoke up after she introduced herself. "I'm B/N. I'm the Ultimate Hider. Y/N is my younger twin." He glared daggers at her. She stepped back, appearing scared of B/N. "N-No need to be-be so rude!" She then fast walked away.

I got bored after I had met everyone and decided to look around the area by myself. I came across a building labeled dorms. I started looking around and found my dorm. To the right of it was Kokichi and to the left of it was Kirumi. I walked in locking the door behind me just in case. The walls were F/C and the floors were wood. There was a small couch in front of a tv. There was also a closet that had pairs of thesame clothes I was wearing now. Beside that was a desk and a chair of course with a notebook and a pen. And the bed had loads of S/F/C pillows and a fluffy blanket. I immediately flopped onto the bed and pulled out this monopad thing. Then Monokuma popped out of thin air. "Well aren't you and B/N lucky! You guys can text each other through your monopads! It's like normal texting but on that instead of a phone! Bye now~" He disappeared just as fast as he appeared after that. I decided I would let my brother know that I was in my dorm and I was going to sleep since it was getting a bit late and the night time announcement had already went off. After that I double checked the door to make sure it was locked and changed into pjs. I then flopped onto my bed and fell asleep... I had a nightmare that night...

I heard loud noises.. And then my brother shook me and told me to open my eyes. "Wake up! Wake up! Please wake up! Please don't leave me!" I felt something wet hit my face as I slowly opened my eyes. "B/N... I'm fine. I promise." I cupped his face with my hands. "But But they hurt you! I- I couldn't stop it.. I'm sorry Y/N!" He sniffled, crying even more. I sat up wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm fine, see?" I smiled, weakly. Hoping that he would stop crying and smile back. I hated seeing the people I care about most worry about me, and I still do... He tackled me into a hug and squeezed me tight. We sat there in comfortable silence. But it was short lived when the doctors came back and ripped me out of my brother's grip. His eyes widened but I just smiled at him. "I'll be fine don't worry about me!" As the doctors took me away again, he screamed and cried trying to get them to release me. But it wasn't enough... They tied me down to a table and injected me with a liquid. Suddenly a wave of pain and agony rushed over me. I couldn't stop myself from screaming and crying and kicking and trying to escape my restraints... It hurt. My body hurt. The doctors were acting like nothing was happening. They started writing stuff down as I continued. The pain started rushing to my head and then I heard more yelling. "Y/N!"..." Y/N! WAKE UP!"

I flew up out of bed with tears pouring down my face. Thankfully my horns were hidden at the time. I looked over to see Kokichi and Kirumi. I was breathing heavily. Kirumi said she was going to get me some food and told Kokichi to stay here and make sure I was ok. Kirumi left and an awkward silence filled the room. I sniffled while wiping my tears. "H-how much did you hears?" I couldn't even look him in the eyes. "I heard the screaming and you yelling make it stop and it hurts..." He gave me a concerned look. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He sat down on beside me on the bed. "Jeez your bed is more comfy then mine! That isn't fa-" I cut him off by pulling him into a tight hug and crying into his shirt. He froze at first but slowly he hugged back playing with my hair to try and calm me down.

I calmed down and looked at the clock it was only 12 am. Then Kirumi came in with some mochi. I felt my eyes light up. "You didn't have to Kirumi!" She shook her head. "Its not a problem but if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I swallowed the food. "Two words nightmare and trauma.." I sighed. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eyes had eye bags and were also puffy and red. I walked back out and sat back on my bed. Kirumi left already to go back to sleep. But Kokichi wouldn't leave. He said that he was too comfy. "Whatever but I'm going back to sleep." I turned my back to him but it wasn't long until I felt him flip me around and pull me to his chest. I then heard a soft snore come from him. I giggled weakly and quietly before drifting off to a dream less sleep.

(Word count: 1465)

It is 1:17 am and I almost fell asleep while making this. CURSE ME AND MY MOTIVATION THAT ONLY COMES AT LIKE MIDNIGHT!!!! Well then good night everyone!

The 17th student (Kokichi x reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now