Chapter 10

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I hid in the bathroom stall and locked it. He started knocking on the door. "Darling? Please come out here..." He tried to get me too come out for about an hour. "Okay then... I guess I'll see you later..." Then I heard him leave. After I was sure that Kokichi had left I exited the bathroom only too hear "A body has been discovered! After a short amount of time a class trial will begin!" I quickly hid in the computer and watched them investigate the crime scene.

Miu's eyes were wide and she was clutching her neck. 'Suffocation... Gonta... Kokichi...' The hints were weird but the first one must've meant that she suffocated. Maybe strangled? Probably. No one noticed I was there the entire time. After awhile I went back to my room and put on B/N's hoodie and threw the hood up. 'Maybe they won't notice... They will though. And after they do they'll know that your a freak!' I ignored the voice and continued walking to the trial area.

I hid behind a tree until the elevator arrived. Everyone was giving me glances. I wouldn't respond to any questions either. But I had to for the class trial. "Y/N, where were you during the body announcement?" "...I was in the bathroom... I locked myself in a stall for personal reasons and didn't come out for about an hour and then went to dorm..." Shuichi nodded and continued on.

Kokichi hasn't even tried talking to me. 'He thinks you're a freak. HAHAHAHAHA I TOLD YOU BUT YOU DIDN'T LISTEN DID YOU?! NO ONE COULD EVER LOVE YOU! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!' I clinched my eyes shut, tightly and put a hand on my head. "Y/N? Are you okay?" I looked over to see Keebo asking me that. I took my hand off my head and nodded smiling weakly. "Yup. I'm fine, thanks for asking though." Everything else went smoothly and I finally understood all the hints.

I was kinda mad at Kokichi when Gonta was punished and he said that he didn't care about Gonta and that the only reason he said any of that stuff was to calm him down a bit. We left the area even though Kokichi was trying to get my attention and I decided to hang out with Shuichi and them. I thought some was watching me but every time I turned around no one would be there. I decided to shake it off but to keep my guard up just in case. We ended up training, which was easy for me and Maki but Kaito and Shuichi were having a tough time.

"HOW ARE YOU TWO ALREADY DONE?!" Shuichi and Kaito exclaimed in sync. I laughed at there faces. "I was trained to do this." Was Maki's answer. I just shrugged. My hood was still up so I had nothing to about. "I dunno? I guess I'm just strong?" I said with a confused tone. They finally finished and I was still laughing at Kaito who had been struggling worse than Shu. At this point I could barely breath! Maki came over and slapped me upside my head and I stopped laughing slowly. I wiped tears from my eyes. "Thanks Maki! I probably would've died of laughter if you didn't do that!" I smiled at her.

"Well we should get back to our dorms now, right?" We all agreed with Maki and started walking towards the dorms. "Actually I'm gonna try and get a snack I'll see you guys later!" They nodded and said their goodbyes. I started making my way to the cafeteria when I suddenly stopped. "Who's there. I know you've been watching me for a while so come out..." After a few moments Kokichi came out of hiding. "Oh... Looks like no one really was there? Hmm... Welp ima get a snack." I turned away from him and continued on my way there.

But then he grabbed my wrist. I shook his hand off and picked up the pace. He kept trying to reach for me but to no avail because I would start picking pace every time. "Y/N! Please hear me out!" "No!" He looked taken aback by me response. "I've tried to see the good in your lies Kichi! I really have! But you're putting everyone in danger by lying and trying to mess up the trials! I know you care about me! But you are putting everyone including me in danger! I can't let that happen! I found out about your plans Kichi! I heard you talking about to Gonta a few days ago! How you would show him proof of whatever was outside and that you and him should get rid Miu! What did she ever do to you huh?!"

Tears started forming in my eyes. "I CAN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE IF YOU KEEP THIS UP! YOU'VE BEEN DOING STUFF LIKE THIS SINCE THE BEGINNING! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD STOP BUT OBVIOUSLY I WAS WRONG!" He was speechless. I walked towards him and took the flower crown back. "I'm sorry Kokichi... But I really can't... Neither one of us are in the mindset right now. Bye." Then I left throwing the crown on the ground and stepping on it.

I went back to my dorm and looked in the mirror. 'This is the best for me... I won't be upset over him. I'm strong! I can do this! I won't let him drag me down with him! Never!' I smiled to my reflection and went to my desk and start writing down ways to stop Kokichi no matter what. I don't care about what I have to do I won't let him pull another stunt like this again. Never. Again. Mitsuki hopped off my bed and onto my desk and fell asleep by my arm. I looked at him and smiles softly at him. I picked him put and put him on the tiny bed that had has on my nightstand. I yawned and then changed and went to sleep.

Sorry for the late update you guys! I was busy with school and I had writers block for a while too! 😅

(Word Count: 1037)

The 17th student (Kokichi x reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now