Chapter 11

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I had been a few days since we split and I was still having issues with my horns and stuff still so I've been using my hoodie those days. Angie and Tenko were also murdered by More logo during that time...

I woke up and jumped in the shower and then did my morning routine. When I was done my hair was still wet and I didn't have a hair dryer so I had to deal with it. Put on the hoodie since I still couldn't hide them and went to the cafeteria to make breakfast for everyone. After that everyone started arguing with Kokichi. Suddenly Kaito tried to punch him.

Kokichi blocked and instead punching him in the gut. "KAITO!" me, Maki, and Shuichi ran over to him and then Kokichi started talking shit about Kaito. Maki got up and held him in the air by his neck. "Maki! He isn't worth it! Right now we need to make sure Kaito is ok!" She sighed angrily and reluctantly let him go.

He laughed and started talking more shit. Me and Shuichi were fed up with his bullshit and blurted out. "Kokichi, unlike you we have friends, you though? You have nothing! You will always be alone!" His eyes widened as we said that. He quickly put on a smile and laughed it off. Then he left and we made sure Kaito was ok. We all talked for a while and then Kokichi came back. Everything he said went right over my head.

I was too busy giving him a breath glare. After he left everyone said that we should use the electro hammers on the parkour course. We all agreed and made our way there. Once we got there we used the hammers on the parkour course and then the doors to the outside... The doors opened and... "There's nothing there..." It was like we weren't even on earth anymore... Wait... I can't breath! Shit! I dashed for the control panel and closed it as quickly as possible but everyone else was already passed out by the time it did.

I played them against the wall then heard, "well well well... Look what the cat dragged in! N/N and all her little friends!" I turned around and was met with Kokichi's face inches away from my own. I got startled and stepped back. "Kokichi... What do you want..." He wasn't in his usual outfit. I mean he was but he had a black cape and hat. "Awww that isn't anyway to greet the mastermind now is it!?" I stopped moving and looked him straight in the eyes. "You. Aren't. The. Mastermind. I'm not stupid I know how SHE truly is Kokichi..."

He froze. He raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a smile. "What? What are you looking at?" "Oh so you already know my plans? How is that?" He asked stepping closer. I took another step back. "I was wondering around and you didn't close the door all the way and I was you writing your plans on that whiteboard..." I took another step back as he stepped forwards. "Hmm? So you were snopping around huh?" He asked as his smile dropped. "Well I can't have you ruining my plans now can I?" He went to hit me over the head with one of the hammers that was sitting beside him but I dodged.

"No one else is dying on my watch!" I grabbed another gamer and swung it at him. He dodged it as well. We were circling each other and by this point the others had started waking up and were now watching this go down. "Awww is little N/N scared?" He said in a mocking tone. This angered me even more. I swung at him again knocking him to the ground. I finally got close enough to him to see his normal eyes were filled replaced with despair crazy ones instead. He took this chance to knock me off of him and knock me out....

I woke up and saw Kaito. I tried to get up but my head hurt as soon as I did. Kaito was still out cold. I looked around to see that we were in a cell. That's when I realized what just happened. Kokichi... He isn't the same anymore... He's insane. He needed to be stopped. I won't let anyone die anymore! Not on my watch. I heard footsteps and then something being shot. Then I heard muffled arguing. It stopped all of a sudden and I heard footsteps running away. Then I heard more footsteps. This time they were headed this way.

I immediately laid back down and pretended to sleep. They started talking about a plan. 'suicide by hydraulic press!? THAT'S WHAT I SAW IN MY DREAM! I have to stop them!' Then I heard then leave. After a few seconds I got up and grabbed a bobby pin I keep in my hair just in case and started picking the lock. I finally heard a click and pushed the door open and started looking for the area with the hydraulic press. This place is like a maze!

After a few minutes and I finally found it. But it was too late... The press was just about to crush him when I said. "Tell her I said I'm sorry please." Then he was crushed. The blood splattered everywhere.... Some got on my face. Then Kaito got into the exisal and left. I ran over to the press and found his bandana sitting on the control panel. I screamed and started crying. I should've worked faster. If only I had worked faster I could have stopped this! I'm an idiot... I curled up beside the press and cried into the bandana...

"Y/N! Y/N are you okay!? What happened here!?" I heard Shuichi call out to me. I stopped crying and stood up tucking the bandana into my dress pocket. The hoodie was damaged quite a bit. There were now rips in it so I took it off. They all stared at my head. I threw the hoodie aside. "Ill explain everything that just happened now so brace yourselves..." I then proceeded to explain the horns and everything I saw. Maki looked heart broken. I hugged her, she didn't even know how to respond. Shuichi, Himiko. And Keebo were just staring at Tsumugi since I told them about her. She was trying to come up with an excuse but it didn't work.

Instead we all went to the class trial and the exisal was already there. We immediately knew it was Kaito. Once we confirmed it he came out. "Y/N... Kokichi told me to tell you he's sorry... He never meant to hurt you..." I clutched my hands into a fist and looked at the ground. "He's an idiot. I knew he was stupid but not this stupid... Its sad to thunk that my last words to him were 'No one else is dying on my watch' get he died anyways..." I giggled. "He always tried to prove me wrong at everything... Looks like this was his last..." After that I became unresponsive. I watched Kaito get executed and comforted Maki. She was trying not to cry. It wasn't obvious but I could tell. After that we all exited the area.

Maki immediately grabbed Tsumugi by the throat. "YOU BITCH!" She screamed while Shuichi tried to stop her. I could care less about what happened to her. The next thing I knew Keebo self destructed and blew up the entire school and we were blinded by a bright light...


(Word Count: 1281)

The 17th student (Kokichi x reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now