Chapter 4

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With a lantern to light the way, I step into the abyss. A snow owl announces my arrival, catching me off guard. Hoo, hoo right back at you, you sneaky bird. My grip on the handle relaxes.

"Find those berries and then get the heck out of here," taking a deep breath, I press forward.

Deeper and deeper, a trail of footprints follows behind me. Still, no sight of elderberries and twinkle of the village lights, the only comfort and a sense of safety is fading. Before I know it, my life is completely at the mercy of these dark woods. But my bravery does not go on in vain and at last, my persistence is paid for with the frozen rubies I've been searching for.

With a switch blade in hand, I kneel before the bushes and begin to cut off the scarlet clusters. Without a second wasted, the bottom of the basket is buried under layers of red. The sooner it's flowing over the top, the sooner I can head back to defrost my limbs.

"What on earth are they making you do this time?" an unexpected sound of a voice startles me.

Remaining low and still, with the blade ready, I scan the woods behind me.

"Who's there?!" I command.

"Don't you know it's dangerous to wonder the forest at night?!" a pair of yellow eyes answer.

Those are no human eyes.

Oh, no. I'm done for. I pray that the sight of my knife will make me look less then appealing.

"And why would I be in danger?!"

"It's night and a lot of animals haven't had their dinner yet!" the mystery speaker reveals itself in the moon's light.

I recognize it, remembering its kindness from the day before and wonder if there's any more of it left.

"Are you going to eat me?!" dear Lord, I can't believe I'm talking to a wolf! Its unnatural nature keeps throwing surprises at me.

"Don't worry. You're not my type. I like my prey with a little bit of meat on her thighs," it laughs at me for even asking.

If it was a human male talking to me, I would have interpreted it as completely something else. Still, this is a very strange conversation.

"Then why are you here?"

"The snow owl told me a girl entered the forest all by herself and people never come here at night. I figured it might be you, running some crazy errand."

"I needed elderberries and they ran out of them at the market," I can't believe I'm explaining myself to a talking wolf who isn't hungry.

"Let me help you. That way you'll be out of this freezing snow sooner," the huge mass of grey fur walks toward the bushes next to me.

"Okay," my mind still can't make sense of this and I watch the wolf's jaws break then drop the fruit bearing branches into my basket.

After we are done collecting the elderberries, having this new friend walk by my side makes me feel, dare I say, protected. My heart itches to ask why it's doing all this for me, but strangely find myself considering that this beast might have actual feelings and mind my manners instead. With a simple good night, we depart at the village gate.

Oh, shoot! Speaking of manners! It completely slipped my mind to thank the wolf for the mittens that kept my hands warm all this time! Next time, I'll be sure to do so.

What a peculiar and wonderful day this has been. At last, some spark of kindness in my life. 

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