Chapter 11

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I didn't tell them the whole truth, only half of it. I really am going to the market to do some grocery shopping, but decided to keep my job interview appointment that's scheduled for this afternoon a secret. To get to this point, I had to do a few things in secret. After I found that job flyer at the Public Hall, without my step family's knowledge I've mailed my resume and got a response back.

My step mother doesn't even know it, but this might be the very last time she sent me on this weekly errand. If I get the job, this can be the escape that I've been hoping and praying for so long and to my relief, no arranged marriage to a complete stranger will be required.

Dressed in my best, hair done, with a few dabs of perfume that I "borrowed" from Oksana's vanity and a drop of nervous sweat, I wait for someone to answer the Governor's Mansion's door. This is just a job interview, but the anticipation is killing me.

"Get a grip, Victoria," I tell myself under my breath, just before a butler opens the door.

"Good afternoon, Miss. How may I help you?" he must know my business before allowing me into his master's home.

"Good afternoon. I'm Miss Sterling and I have a 2 o'clock appointment," I show him the response letter.

He takes a look at it, "Oh, yes. You're here for the job interview. Come in, please," then takes my coat.

The lobby looks so different without all the , sounds so quite without the music and the chatter. Only a weak echo of staff upstairs lazily drifts in the air. In the bright light of the day the chandelier is still as magnificent as ever.

Before allowing me to follow him behind dark cherry double doors, I hear the butler's dignified voice announce my arrival. This must be where my interview will take place and whoever is inside waiting will be the one conducting it. Honestly, I expected one of the higher ups of the staff to do this mediocre task, and only then have a few selected candidates presented to the Governor's son's personal choosing. I didn't expect to see him, at least not this soon.

"Good afternoon, Miss Sterling," the Governor's son no longer pays any attention to the documents at hand. He tries to hide it, but I can tell that he's amused by catching me off guard like this. "You may call me Liam. Please have a seat," pointing at a chair on the opposite side of his desk, he tries to divert my attention away from his subtle side smile.

"Thank you, Liam," keeping my posture like a real lady, I take a seat.

"Your resume looks impressive, I must say. Is there anything that you can't do?"

"I don't clip claws or brush fur. A dog groomer does that for my current employer's pet."

"I can completely understand that," he nods.

"I hope it's not a problem."

"Not at all, Miss Sterling. I too keep a groomer for all my claw and fur needs."

"However, I do like pets of all kinds, so if your animal needs company or someone to play with I'll be more than happy to do so."

"I do keep a canine. He has a gentle nature, but some can find him intimidating and scary."

"I'm not easily scared and am sure he's nothing but a misunderstood sweetheart. Once he'll get used to my presence, we'll be the best of friends."

"That says a lot of good things about you."

"I'm very glad to hear you say that."

"Well, Miss Sterling you look like a very good candidate for this position, but so do few others. I'll have to do a farther review of the selected resumes and then I'll be sending out a letter to my new hire. If you don't hear anything from my office in a few days, then someone else got the job offer."

"I understand and thank you so much for considering me for this position."

"Thank you, Miss Sterling," out of respect he gets up as I ready to exit the interview.

I open the door, but then remember something, "Oh, by the way Liam. If I do get the job, you may call me Victoria." Before a full smile emerges beyond my control, I disappear out of view.

Outside the snow covered gates, Mika waits for me as asked. He's whistling a tune I don't recognize, but then stops the moment he hears me push the creaky bars.

"So?" he smiles, "How did it go?"

I can't help but smile back, "It went well. Really well. In a few days I'll get a letter if I got the job and I'm pretty sure I've got it."

"That's great!"

"I just can't wait to get that letter," still smiling, I take my basket full of bread, cheese, and some vegetables off his hands.

Going to the market was the first thing I did, so that I still could get the first pick from the stands as usual. Otherwise, coming back home with less than favorable product might raise some suspicion.

"It will be strange not seeing you around the village much anymore."

"My step mother and step sisters won't be seeing me much anymore, but I'll still be around."

"I don't know," he teases me,"being a personal assistant to a political figure sounds like a pretty demanding job."

"Mika, I'll never forget to remember you. I won't forget to be a friend to you. You've always being a friend to me and nothing is going to change that."

I thought that these words would assure him, but this time there's something completely different in his smile. It looks...forced.

"I know," he says.

Does he not believe me? Does he think I'll abandon him?

"Mika, look at me," I make him take a pause and lock his eyes at mine. "Job or no job, I swear to always to remember be your friend. Always."

"I believe you, Victoria. I know you won't lie to me." he tries to fake it but still, the context of his smile does not improve.

My promise for eternal friendship only made it worse and somewhere on our way back, my stupid self finally suspects why a little too late. Does my dearest Mika secretly hopes for more?

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