Chapter 14

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"Oh?" your mum replied raising an eyebrow, "Has my little sweetie fallen for someone?" You blush. "Uh yeah possibly", you reply. "Spill darling", she chortles.

** you explain to her what's been happening with you and Lachlan (obviously not everything :)) **

"OOOoooo, i must meet this young fellow at once", she says while standing up. "Ok yes yes calm down first", you say laughing, "I'm sure you guys can get to know each other soon enough but for now i do think you'd want to get some sleep, you've had such a long day." She nods in agreement and you show her to the door.

She turns to you. "I really am proud of you, you've grown up so fast", she says calmly while holding your cheek. You smile. "Thanks mama", you reply as you watch her leave and head to the elevator door.

You head back to where you sat and were greeted with a notification from instagram. You open your phone and see that Lachlan had messaged you:

Lachlan: wassup, i just heard your mum leave. everything good?

Y/n: yup, its cool she's staying over in a hotel.

Lachlan: ok ok, now then we need to make plans for your birthday :)

Y/N: aha, ok then, what do you have in mind :)

Lachlan: welll, i was thinking the two of us go for some korean bbq and maybe head back to mine?

Y/N: sound like a good plan

Lachlan: ik it is :), but anyways goodnight xx

Y/N: goodnight x

You place your phone by your bedside table and clamber into your bed. You've started to get into reading a lot more so pull out a book "Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen". You immerse yourself into the book and find that after a while it had made you quite tired. You place the book aside and pull your covers over and drift into sleep.

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