Chapter 11

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You wake up screaming.

"Y/N? Y/N!" Lachlan says as he shoots up from the bed. "Breathe.. breathe, breathe in with me.. 1,2,3 and let go" he says trying to calm you down. You start to breathe with him slowly.

But your head continues to rush with wild thoughts. "Am I going to die? Is Lachlan going to die? Is it going to be because of Immani?"

"Y/N?" Lachlan says. "Do you want to talk about it ? It's ok if you dont" he says putting his hand on your thigh and slowly caressing it. You look down at him and try to speak but no words come out. You're speechless. Shocked. Scared.

A hot tear slowly drips down your cheek. He hugs you. Tightly yet softly. He runs his fingers through your messy hair, as if trying to untangle it. "It's ok" he whispers into your ear. "You just need to get some rest". He slowly lets go of you and places you back onto the bed. He smiles and kisses your cheek. "Try to get a bit of rest, I'll go make us brunch". He walks out of the bedroom.

You close your eyes and try to process everything that has happened. The dream. Did it have a meaning? You exhale softly and eventually nod off.

*** A few hours later ***

You make up and look outside. The sun is starting to set. "Shit" you think to yourself. "How long did I sleep for?" You slowly stand up and walk into the main room. You see Lachlan sitting on the couch, sleeping, with book in his hand.  A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. You smile to yourself as you walk over to him.

You slowly sit on top of him and kiss his forehead softly.

"Mmm.." he softly groans as he slowly open his eyes and looks up at you. He smiles. "Good- uh evening madam" he says. " Good evening, dear sir" you say back smirking. "Didn't know you liked to read". 

"Huh-" he says confused. He looks down to his hand. "Oh- oh this." he says blushing slightly. "I- I didn't know what to do since, I was going to make us some food but when I checked up on you- you were peacefully sleeping. I didn't want to wake you so I decided why not read for a bit, but I guess I fell asleep too "

You smile. "Lachy" you say. "Yeah?" he replies. You think to yourself.. is it the right time to ask?

"I'm not sure if I should ask you now, since its not the best time. You know, there's kinda alot of things happening, Immani and then-" you start to say before he interrupts. "Y/N" he says smiling. "Just ask me". You stare into his eyes.

And taking a deep breathe you say.

"Do you want to take our relationship and stuff further?"



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