Chapter 9

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Immani, hmmm, who's Immani.  "Heyyyy Lachyyy" she says smiling. "Um, Immani what are you doing here?" Lachlan replies coldy.

 "Just here, ya know, visiting my adorable ex boyfriend. Making sure he's alright and doesnt need help with anything or realises what he is missing and wants to get back together" she says winking. "Ex-boyfriend, so they used to date?" you think. "I'm fine, Immani. And besides, I told you I never need help and that I dont want to see you either." Lachlan replies.

 "OoOf they must have had a rough break up" you thought. 

"Oh come onnn, Lachy I know you miss me" she says leaning in towards him. "No, and dont call me Lachy" he says keeping his distance. 

Immani lets herself in to the apartment and goes into the kitchen and sits on top of the counter. "Immani! WHAT do you think you are doing?" Lachlan says clearly frustrated. "Get the fuck off the counter, actually get THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" he says.

 Immani giggles. "You look so hot when your angry" she says brushing his arm. "Don't you remember? That one night, we got wasted and went back to your apartment. You picked me up and sat me on the counter. We then made out for like 5 minutes straight but then you started to take off your clothes and i did the same and then you took-"

 "No, Immani stop." Lachlan interrupts.  "That was long ago, when I done some dumb shit and made some shit decisions." he says. "You- you- were a bad girlfriend anyways, and I dont even know why i fell for you. You're- you're such a bad person. God, just leave" Lachlan says stammering again. 

"But baby, I only cheated on you once and i said sor-" "NO." Lachlan says clearly mad. "I don't care ok? I honestly don't know why we dated in the first place. It was wrong"

"Oh- so she cheated?" you think.

"But babyy-" she starts. "Immani! Do you not know what no means? And don't call me baby. Now leave" Lachlan says.

"I-" she stops. "Door is there" Lachlan says. Immani jumps off the counter. She struts to the door and flips her hair around to face Lachlan. She rolls her eyes and leaves, shutting the door loudly behind her.

"Oh God" Lachlan says quietly.

You slowly emerge from his room and walk towards him. He sees you and opens his mouth to speak. "Shhh" you say slowly putting your finger to his lips. "You don't need to explain anything, I heard it." You both sit down and he burrows his face in your chest. You wrap your arms around him and smile. "You should get some rest" you say.

"Could you stay here overnight?" he asks with his eyes gazing up at you. "Of course" You say smiling up at him. 

Lachlan stands up and lifts you from the couch. He takes you into his room and places you down on the bed slowly. 

You both slowly drift to sleep.

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