Hogsmeade Part 1

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Oliver's POV

Great Hall

It's around the holiday, which means we get to visit Hogsmeade. My friends and I have been waiting for this to go to the small villager. For a week, Y/n had made sure that I had a good rest, she would come to my room and sleep with me, or she would invite me to sleep with her.  She has been making sure the Boogeyman shadow friend doesn't come to bother me. I know I have stressed her with my nightmares, and she doesn't mind taking care of me.

Now, that today we all get to the village, I decided to make it my mission to get her a special gift. I plan to give it to her for Christmas, although I must consult with some people before giving it to her.

"Ahem..., how was your sleep?" Percy asked before looking at Fred, George, and Todd who grinned at me.

"I slept well," I reply before sipping my hot cocoa.

"What? You told me to ask," Percy looked at his twin brothers and Todd.

"Percy, you are asking the wrong question," Fred shook his head.

"You were supposed to ask if Oliver used protection last night?" George said causing me to nearly choke on my hot chocolate.

"Oliver, are you alright?" Katie asked as the girls paused their conversation to look at me and choke. I coughed hard to properly breathe.

"Y-yup, now I am," I assured her.

"What's gotten up choked up?" Alicia asked.

Todd, Fred, and George grinned at me. "Nothing important, Alicia, we are just talking homework," Percy replied. We all know not to share personal guys' stuff with ourselves. The girls knew we were hiding something, but they resume their conversation.

"So, Woody, couldn't keep your hands off Rosier," Fred winked at me.

"Knock it off you guys," I blushed. The three laughed while Percy tried not to laugh.

"We find out about it through Morgan. She and Jen barged into Y/n's room," George explained how they figured out that I had sex with Y/n.

This morning, Y/n and I woke up together with Morgan and Jen barged into her dorm. The two girls saw us cuddling in bed finding our clothes on the floor. Y/n and I knew we couldn't hide once they saw us cuddling without clothes. I just didn't expect Morgan to tell my friends.

"Hey, guys!" Nat greeted us. "What are you guys laughing about?" She asked.

"It's nothing," Todd said.

"Are you excited about your first Hogsmeade trip?" I asked her. I am changing the topic from what happened last night between me and Y/n.

"Yes, I've heard good things about the village. I look forward to you all showing me the village," Nat said as the girls join our conversation.

"It will be fun, Nat. You will love Hogsmeade. It's very busy at this time but beautiful," Alicia said to her.

"Yes, we will you to honeydukes, tea shop, and the other stores in the village," Katie said

"And, of course, Butterbeer. You must try it. You will not regret it," Angelina said as the girls have already made plans.

"Yay! I am excited," Nat smiled in excitement for her first Hogsmeade trip.

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