Extremes: Love in the Air

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Morgan POV

A few days later

Great Hall

Mmm... I miss you, bacon. I said to myself as I eat each bite of the bacon. The food here is delicious. It's been days since I probably ate proper food. I don't recall what I was fed but I assume it wasn't as good as this bacon.

"Good Morning, Morgan," a boy with black hair with glasses sat in front of me. His eye bags tells me he didn't get proper sleep.

"Good Morning, Harry!" I smiled at him as I am glad to see my cousin. He doesn't we are cousins, and mom is still working on getting custody of Harry.

Harry reaches to grab his food. Only a few people were inside the Great Hall this morning.

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" I asked as he seems tired from a night of not sleeping.

" I couldn't sleep. I guess I have a lot in mind," Harry said. "Then, what is troubling you?" I hope I could help him relieve some stress.

"I fell off my broom because of the dementors, they cause me to lose my chance to catch the snitch. My team lost against Hufflepuff, which is utterly unbelievable to believe. But Wood completely took it worst than any of us, he tried drowning himself after the game. Anyways, nothing could be done to change things. All we have to do is hope for an impossible chance of returning to the games," Harry explained his quidditch troubles.

"Yeah, I heard. Totally sucks. Dementors shouldn't have been placed in the school in the first place. I have no idea what the Headmaster was thinking, but I am sure Gryffindor would have won. And I believe you guys have a chance of getting back in the game. I wouldn't stop practicing. So, don't give up hope, Harry. I am sure you will catch the snitch soon," I have faith the team will return to the game. I know Harry is a talented seeker like Uncle James.

Harry's mood lightens up after hearing my words," Thanks, Mor. You seem to understand me. Sometimes, I feel like you are like my big sister. I never had a family member that cared for me. Those that did are no longer with me," Hearing Harry's words cause me to drop my bacon. I walked around the table to give him a proper hug," Oh, Harry," I hugged him.

Then Harry explains to me his living condition with the Durselys. Hearing that Aunt Petunia treats him like a slave, I knew mom would slap the shit out of her. His time at Hogwarts made him feel hopeful in life, especially with his friends Ron and Hermione. I am glad Hagrid brought him to Hogwarts. He had no clue that he was a wizard.

"If you had another family member alive that wants you. Would you live with them? " I asked hoping he would love to move with me and mom.

"Yes. Oh, yes. If I had another family member alive. I would immediately pack my bags, " Harry smiled wishing that happening.

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