Secret's Uncovered

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No one's POV

Numengard Castle

A man's footsteps were heard reaching the tallest tower; a guard recognized the old man allowing him to enter the cell. The old man entered the cold cell seeing a frail old man reading the newspaper.

Two American Family Found Dead!

Jaxon and Lucinda Abberley, Nicklaus, and Jennifer Burke were found dead. The house was found destroyed with traces of a home invasion. Authorities are still locating the culprits.

The neighbor witnessed the attack in describing three Black Witches and a mysterious man in a black cloak. Authorities have taken note of the eyewitness. We send our condolences to the family.

The frail man cried seeing the picture of the family. He knows the man behind the family attack. It broke his heart to see the picture of his two daughters. Now... dead... To him, all the efforts to protect them went to waste; he felt like a failure.

"Silver, I am sorry. I failed you," the frail man spoke, hoping the dead person would listen to him.

"It's all your fault, Gellert. You did this," The old bearded man sat on a chair calmly.

"They were the only thing that kept me alive. My pride and joy. You killed my precious girls. I can never forgive you, Albus," Gellert Grindelwald glared at the old white wizard.

"You caused Ariana to tarnish the Dumbledore name. I couldn't allow those pests to live. There were going to ruin my plans," Albus Dumbledore said.

"Oh, you mean the absurd plan to use the Potter boy to kill Voldemort. To make you the hero. To pretend to die and have the boy slaughtered like a pig. Great manipulating you are... for such mad plans," Gellert said, sitting nearby a window. He knows the white wizards plan to destroy the second Dark Lord.

"You know... things would have been different. You and I would have had the world on our feet. But you chose a different path..." Albus wished his friend to join him.

"I have no regret. I would have still chosen her. Silver...," Gellert said, remembering the woman he loved.

Albus clutches his fist, jealous that Gellert would never choose him. "I am glad she is gone. I have no regret in killing her," Albus recalled using the killing curse on his sister.

Gellert looked at his old friend," I want you to kill me, Albus. I want to be with my family," Gellert desires to encounter his wife and daughters.

Albus looked at the man he loved," I cannot. You know I still love you, Gellert," Albus rejects his wishes.

Gellert glared at him," So, that's it. I die here?"

"That or you join me, Gellert. I am still wounded by your betrayal, but I can forgive you," Albus still has hope Grindelwald will choose to join him.

Gellert looked at him, knowing exactly what to say to his words.
Stacey's POV


"Stay! Stay!" my little brother rushed to hug me. I hugged my little brother; I hadn't seen him for a couple of weeks because of school. I am glad it is the holidays so I can spend time with him.

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