The Price to Pay

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No one's POV

French Ministry of Magic

"Merwyn Fenwick, the court has determined to find you guilty

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"Merwyn Fenwick, the court has determined to find you guilty. Therefore, you shall serve 15 years in Azkaban for working with dangerous witches attempting to destroy our wizard world. You and your daughter Natalia Fenwick..."

"Natalia didn't have anything to do with it! I forced her! I FORCE THE IMPERIUS CURSE ON!" Merywn shouted his guilt. His words surprised everyone.

"Explain, Mr. Fenwick. Did you really place your daughter under the imperius curse?" The French Minister asked.

"I Did. Natalia did not want to be with the Blood Queen. I forced her. I cursed her," Merwyn cried. He looked at his daughter," I am sorry, Natalia. Forgive me for everything. For being a bad father," Merwyn cried with guilt. Despite lacking his love for Natalia and being strict with her all her years, he did not want to see her in prison. He did not want to die in prison, knowing that he had cursed his daughter.

Natalia looked at her father in tears. She is confused by being cursed, as she doesn't remember her father using an unforgivable curse on her. But deep down, she knew he was telling the truth. "I forgive you," Natalia forgives her father.

Then, doors burst open with flying witches with brooms entering the courtroom. The three famous Black Witches, Muriel, Petrova, and Raven, appeared before the eyes of the wizards. "Hand me the two traitors, and I will have mercy on all of you," Muriel declared, the wizards willing to hand her Merywn and Natalia.

Muriel sensed the fear in Natalia's eyes, "I shall chop that pretty hair of yours. I want to eat your stupid brain," Muriel grinned evilly.

Oliver's POV

Sun Valley

My family and I traveled to a small city. We walked up the mountain as the place was discreet from the muggle and wizard world. Todd decided to join us and enjoy the adventure with me.

My father is taking us to a place to remove the boogeyman curse. So I won't have to suffer nightmares.

"How much longer? My legs are killing me," Todd is tired of walking up the mountain.

"Not much," My father replied.

"I am not fit for this," Todd is getting tired.

"Come on, boys. Don't stay behind," my mom walked behind Dad.

"Come on, Todd. We will get there," I motivated him to continue the trail.

"It better be worth reaching the top. My water is running out," Todd said. I passed him extra water. Todd thanked me before drinking his water.

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