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(Thirds persons POV)

Wanda stayed in her room, morning to night, no sleep or food.

The witch was going crazy, seeing figures, hearing voices.

The 17-year-old was slowly killing herself without even knowing, every now and then Clint, Tony, or Steve would check on her.

"Wanda?" A voice was heard outside the door, the young which was a mess, she had dark eye bags her hair was a mess her lips were dry.

"Can I come in?" Steve said from outside the door.

"Yes," The young witch said loud enough.

Steve opened the door with a food tray and some water.

"You have to eat, please," Steve said as Wanda nodded slowly, Steve saw Wanda as his own daughter he would care for her and checked up on her, and would even watch sitcoms to comfort her when she couldn't sleep.

"You'll be 18 in 10 days," Steve said as stopped eating her sandwich and looked at him.

"How'd you know," Wanda asked as he chuckled, "I looked through the files," Steve said.

"Why wouldn't you tell us, Tony loves throwing parties," Steve said making the younger girl chuckle.

"Me and Pietro really never celebrated after our parents' death..." The witch said.

"But on my 15th birthday...Pietro surprised me with a little cake" The witch said smiling at the memory.

It was the first time Steve saw her smile which made him smile, "The first time I ever see you smile" Steve said.

"Hey Cap, Tony needs you," A redhead said standing by the door, Wanda assumed that was Natasha.

Natashas looked at Wanda and stared at her with no emotions on how she felt, Natalia just rolled her eyes and leaving.

"She hates me, I don't blame her," The witch said, "She doesn't hate you," Steve said.

"I made you all re-lived all the bad memories, and hers was the worst I caused you all pain," Wanda said as Steve just hugged her.

"It's okay, Wanda," Steve said as Wanda just looked at the floor.

"I have to go, I'll see you later oh and before I forget your training tomorrow," Steve said smiling, Wanda groan and buried her face in the pillow while steve chuckle and left.

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