The fight...

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(Thirds person POV)

Wanda woke up at 4:09 Am after a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep.

She cried and let out sobs, the feeling of how she felt her twin died was painful and she felt again.

After calming herself down she went downstairs to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water, and sat on the counter.

"You okay?" Carol asked the witch nodded, Carol was caring goose and handed goose to Wanda who happily carried him.

She smiled at the cat and at Carol, "Well you have and Peter have training in about a few hours so get some rest" The blonde said as Wanda nodded giving her goose and leaving the kitchen.

She didn't go to sleep, instead, she scrolled through her phone while singing a lullaby her mother sang to her when she was little.

she stayed awake till 7:00 Am and got ready, she headed out for the door grabbing her phone.

She went to the training room where Peter, Steve, and Natasha were.

"Late again, Maximoff," Natalia said, she was right she checked her phone and it was 7:45 Am

She didn't say anything and while Steve and Natasha were talking Peter and Wanda were messing around.

Wanda levitated him in the air as he was superman's pose, "Wanda put him down" Steve said in frustration.

In mid-air, she stopped and Peter dropped to the ground and groaned, "Okay, show us what you got" Nat said as I threw her against the wall.

"Is that all?" Nat said standing up, Wanda scoffed lifting her in the air slowly choking her.

"Okay let go," Steve said as the witch dropped her, Wanda turned to Steve and out of nowhere, she was on the ground with a bodyweight on her.

Natasha was on top of her pinning her against the floor, the assassin smirked.

"Don't turn your back...EVER" Nat said as I threw her off me.

"Cap, meeting" Carol said through the doors Steve nodded.

(Wanda's POV)

"You 2, are you coming?" Steve asked as I turn to Peter nodding, we walked to the meeting room where everyone was.

After Fury explained that some of us were going and needed to undercover Carol spoke up, "Who's going?" she asked.

"Well, Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Wanda," Fury said as my eyes widen, "No she can't go she's not ready," Nat said.

"She has her powers and she is more than ready," Steve said, "She's a kid!" Nat yelled.

"Am 17!" I yelled, "My exact point," Natasha said.

"You're 23 what's the difference," Carol said defending me, "Fine, but if the mission fails is not on me," Nat said leaving the room.

"What's her problem?" I said in frustration.

"I don't know I mean she's not like this when Peter goes on missions," Tony said.

I stood up leaving the room, I passed the hallways until I heard cries, baby cries.

I stopped and walked to the room the cries were heard and opened the door, I went towards the crib and saw a baby girl crying and moving around the bed.

I picked her up and supported her head with my hand, "Shh" I hushed I gave her a pacifier and sat down in a chair.

I sang a Sokovian lullaby my mother sang to me when I was a kid, I rocked her while singing and ended up falling asleep in my arms.

"Wow, she never sleeps with anyone," Pepper said standing by the door startling me.

"Sorry, I just heard her cry and I didn't know what to do," I said, "It's alright, your welcome to check on her anytime, and thank you," Pepper said as I nodded.

"Pepper Tony needs you," Natasha said, Pepper nodded leaving me and Natasha alone.

"Am sorry for causing you pain Natasha, I never meant to hurt you" I said sincerely.

"It doesn't matter, it already happened" She replied, I looked down at the baby standing up and putting her in the crib.

I looked at Nat and left the room.

I was in my room watching sitcoms when Vision came through the wall.

"Viz! we've talked about this," I said, "Right sorry," He said sitting down beside me.

We both ended watching sitcoms and would laugh every now and then.

(Natashas' POV)

I heard laughs, Wanda's door was open so I peeked through seeing her and Vision watching sitcoms and laughing.

I rolled my eyes leaving the room and went to my room, jealousy and anger ran through my veins but I simply ignored it.

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