||Chapter 6:|| These guys need to Art it up Here!||

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^^ Video Up here if you don't know what the PDH series is ^^
Originals is Aphmau's

And hope you enjoyed!!!



Aphmau's PoV:

"Ugh, darn! I was hoping to catch Laurance on his way to school! W-would he even want to talk to me, though? I mean, he kinda-sorta asked me to be his girlfriend, kind of, but does, uh, ugh, does that mean he's interested in me? I mean—" I heard my text sound so I took my phone and noticed- "Huh, huh! It's FC! A-and AIT| U/n (User Name) -I mean Y/n!!" [Aphmau: Italic Y/n: Underlined FC: Bold] "Mornin' Shu! Mornin' AIT /\ U/n!" "Hey FC" "Hey to you both!!!" "Hey, what is he doing texting me this morning, so early? Well, I guess it's not uncommon— uh, huh?" "I had fun this weekend" "Huh, doing the dungeon?" "Doing the dungeon?" "Of course you did! I had to heal you through the entire thing!" "OF COURSE YOU DID!" "I had to heal you through it!" "Ugh. It was fun, though." "LOL! Right :)" "But I did tank the whole thing" "Pfft fine!" "We're even then." "Sorry for not joining..." "It's fine AIT /\ U/n!!" "Still... Maybe we should do it again sometime! That would be great!" "Hey, I wanted to ask you both a question" "Yes?" "Yeah???" "What does–?" I saw he texted as I was gonna finish my sentence "Are you okay being my friend?" "Ah, what?" "wat?" "why?" "Uh, is everything okay with him?" "of course! why??" "I just want to know, kinda meh right now" "Oh shush you. We've been friends for years like this" "Honestly, I can't get rid of you. :P" Y/n joined in which made me smile. "Haha! Hopefully that brings him out of his funk." "..." "Thanks Shu" "HEY! NO THANKS TO ME???" "Hm. Um, heh" "And thx U/n" "Thx" "I like it when ur weird but chill" seriously..."I'll always be ur friend even if we never meet" "same goes with me!! ;D" "There we go. heh. *sighs* Sometimes, I swear. Still," ":)" "Oh, hehe." "Have a great day, U/n and Shu" "Thx u too" "U 2, FC :)" I closed my phone and said. "Heh, I swear, FC can be so weird sometimes." "Hey beautiful." I squealed in suprised and turned around to see- "Laurance?! 'Beautiful'?!" "Why, thank you." "No no no! I didn't mean that!" "Oh?" "No, no, no! Not that! I meant that you're absolutely beautiful and any girl would dream about you at night. Heheheh." "Do you?" "What?!" I feel the red tint on my face worsen as he said the next words: "Because I dream of you." I fell on the floor but I didn't feel the pain from as I became a tomato. "Fainted again. Should I wake you up with a kiss?" "Yes! I-I– No-No– uh, I mean, why are you doing this?" "Doing what?" "Making me blush like this." I said as I got up from the floor. "Because it's cute. Plus, you overreact, it's kind of funny." "Are my emotions funny to you?!" "just a little. Heheh." "I-I see. So, you really are a tease." "Usually. But with you, I don't know, it's kind of different." U-Uh. "I'm glad I ran into you. What do you... Want to walk to school together?" "R-Really? I-I mean yes, I'd love to." my voice cracked. "Hm, that voice crack is cute, too. Come on, let's go."


Y/n's PoV:

I found Aphmau finally as I got to school earlier today and saw that Laurance was with her. "Thank god she's safe, even tho with a tease..." I crept slowly behind the flirt as to scare him. "So, what class do you have first?" "BOO!" "AH!- Oh! you scared me, heheh!" "I know." I looked slightly to the side as to not show the mark of a slap on my face. "Hey Y/n! Oh yeah....Uh– Oh, my first class? Oh, well, let me see." she looks at her schedule "Oh wow, it looks like I have—" "Ah, good morning, you three." "Morning, Garroth" "Morning!" "Good morning" "Hey Aphmau, H-How was your weekend?" "Oh, uh, it was good. I got to go to the park with these two cool guys and one amazing girl. Hehe!" "Heh, that's sweet." "Haha! How about yours?" "I went to the park too with these two beautiful girls so, it went pretty fantastic." The raven head was making weird sounds of excitement. "Too bad you missed walking with one this morning." "What?" "I just walked with THAT beautiful girl this morning to school." "Oh you did? Well, maybe I'll have to walk with THAT one to school next time." "Or maybe she can just walk herself OR with the OTHER beautiful girl." I said in joking defence. "I'm sure she can. It's just, maybe I'd like to get to know her more." I rolled my eyes at the poor potato as she became flustered. "Eee! So classes! I really should get to mine! Heh!" "Right, so what class do you have again?" "Uh, I have Art 101." Then both guys said in the same time. "Really? Oh, me too!" "I have all the same classes as Aphmau so I'm there as well" "We all have the same class together?!" "THAT'S AWESOME!" "YEAH!" "Heh, we should take a picture!" "Picture?" they said in the same time again. "Mm hm. To celebrate us as art buddies." "...ok" "S-Sure." "I'm down." "Hehe, alright, com here. Uh... heh." I got pulled down slightly to be the ravens height and took the selfie "Haha! Perfect! Thank you guys so much! Hehe!" The bell rings "Uh" "Ah, we should get to class." "Hehe! I'm so excited! I love art!" "Really? So you... art a lot?" "Uh, well, I draw, mostly. Um, so—" "Bet you're pretty good at it." "Mmm, not really. I kind of just doodle a lot. I did it when I was in home school, heheh." "Still, that's more than I can do. I'm absolute rubbish at art. I still remember when I tried to sculpture for the first time." "Oh yeah, you made a pretty good ashtray. I was impressed." "Hm." "...It was supposed to be a vase..." "Hehehe!" "*sighs* I can't believe you talked me into this, Laurance..." "You didn't have to take art with me. It's your fault for being such a good friend." "...Thanks?" "So, why are you talking Art, Laurance?" "Because of my sister. She's kind of really artsy and said I had to take some kind of art class if I was going to be her brother. *sighs* Cadenza can be a little dramatic." "True, but lots of our classmates find her cute." "HEY! SHE'S MY SISTER!" "Hehe! Well, I think that's nice, Laurance. I'm sure she appreciates it." "Well, come on. We should get going. Y-you should stay close to me." "Huh? What?" "Don't want you getting lost on your way to class again, do we? You still don't know your way around here yet, do you?" "Eh, well no, but I-I'm getting better. I can just get– I can get to lunch just fine, hehe! Hehe." "So you're saying that you can find the largest room in the center of the school?" "I... really like lunch." "Heh, you know, I used to get lost all the time in these halls." "Uh, Really?!" "Oh yeah! In my first year, I went to the wrong homeroom for an entire week." "W-What?! You stayed in the wrong homeroom for a week straight? What the?" "Yeah, I was really embarrassed. I didn't want to bring any attention to myself, so I would just keep my head down and wait for the first bell." "What?! Really?! Uh, what about the homeroom teacher– what about the homeroom teacher? Didn't he care that you were in the wrong class?" asked Aph. "Mr. Castor? Haha, nah, he didn't seem to mind at all. Actually, I'm not sure he even noticed me." "Mmm." "Hmm... maybe we'll BOTH walk you ladies there." "Hey! I haven't gotten lost once since then!" "Right, right, of course you haven't. So, how's the soccer team look this year, Laurance?"
"You play soccer, Laurance?" "Ugh, they're a mess. We'll be lucky if we can make it through the season in one piece." "Sounds like it might be the captain's fault there." "Oh, haha, sure, let's blame it on the new captain. But we lost all of our best players. Honestly, I'll be happy if we can just beat O'Khasis Prep this year." "Maybe try to be more realistic. We've lost to them six years running. Maybe I should have went there instead." "Hm? Laurance, you play soccer?" "Sure do. In fact, you're looking at the captain of the team." "Wow! A captain!" We start moving towards the destination until I realised I should check my schedule and noticed I was in the Art class near them. Art 103. "Hmm...." maybe it was because Aphmau somehow managed to get out of werewolf class and the schedules changed a bit to change the old class with a new so now the wwlf class is actually even '...god dang it!' "You should come to a game some time." "Looking to add another fan girl to your cheering section, Laurance?" "N-No! It's not like that. I mean it... It wouldn't– It would be nice knowing Aphmau and Y/n is in the stands, cheering me on." "Yeah, um, that sounds like it could be fun. Heh, heheh." "...sure" I said.
"Really? Great! I'll get you two a schedule." Garroth went ahead and slightly yelled out: "Oh look, here we are, at last." I looked around for where my actual class was and it appeared to be the other side of Art 101 so it wasn't the worst. I said to Aph. "Sorry But apparently I'm in 103 instead of 101 so I'll see you after class" She nodded her head and followed the guys.

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