||Chapter 9/10:|| A Catastrophic Night||

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                                                             What is up! if you have no idea                                                                                                       what Phoenix Drop High is, It is better for you to watch                                                                               the vid above or search it up on YouTube or something. 

                                                                  Anyways ENJOY!!!!!!!



||Chapter 9:||A Cake-structive-...What?||


Y/n's PoV:

"OH MY GOD! PLEASE SAY YES FOR ONCE, I JUST WANNA FINALLY ENJOY TALKING TO PEOPLE!" My mom screamed at F/n (Fathers Name) for the 10th time since we got there. I had my laptop there to get ready for the next time i'd get to play with FC and Aph. My phone rang the text sound and I looked at it, FC... (U/n: Italic FC: Bold) "Hey U/n! (Again if you don't have an idea, just use AIT, sorry for not adding this I just forgot) why are you online? can I call?" I took my phone in my hands and started to respond "Hey FC! Sorry I can't call but I'm just looting and fighting the weaklings to be ready for the next time we get to play!" "Oh ok, want me to join?" "Sure!" I then put my phone down and waited for FC to join.


Y/n's PoV:

I texted bye to FC when I heard my mom win the fight. he said "Bye U/n\AIT!" "Bye FC!" and closed both my laptop and phone. I stood up and ran to my room to put my laptop away and phone in charge. I got back downstairs to help my mom bake the cake but she said, "Nah, I totes got it, yo! go and help yourself with a walk, Darlll!" I nodded my head and walked through the neighbourhood and remembered that I could help Aph and her mom cook whatever it was called. So I practically ran like Usain Bolt to try to not be like a potato and find that house! And then I realised this isn't my neighbourhood and 2 hoods away from it. I don't even know how I got here but it didn't matter anymore. I finished getting through 1 of the hoods and noticed a familiar white head walking on the pavement and decided to talk to him. "Hey Travis!" He jumped and spun around. He sighed in relief that it was me and not a stranger? I'm guessing. "Hey Y/n! I thought you lived near Aphmau?" "I do! just got lost- Oh yeah I should get my phone and THEN go to Aphmau's" I said and waved bye to Travis, he waved back to continuing on his journey. Travis then calls out my name, I turned around with a confused look. "Can I come with you? I wanna say hi to Aphmau!" "...Sure" and then he followed me.

||The Broken Heart and The Lonely Human|| Aaron Lycan x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now