Chapter 4- The Heart

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Nammari then let Raya stop pushing her. "You sure, " Raya asked. "Yeah," Nammari replied. Raya then let go and she stood next to Nammari. They both walked, well, Nammari rolled, to Raya's ba. Raya ran towards her like the wind. "Hey dewdrop, " he said. "RAYA!!!" Sisu ran towards her and joined the hug. They all laughed as she came in. Raya then looked at Nammari and opened her arms to invite Nammari in. Nammari wanted to, but she couldn't walk over. Raya could see that in her eyes, so she and Benja went over to her, and carried her on their shoulders. Sisu then grabbed her and hugged her. Then they joined her. After that, Benja showed Nammari to the guest room. Then Nammari went to her bed, the bed wasn't made handicapped accessible, so Raya had to lift Nammari onto the edge of the bed. Doing this, Raya realized that she made Nammari's life a lot tougher. Raya joined her on the bed. "I'm sorry dep la," Raya said. "I'm sorry for making your life tougher." Nammari rubbed Raya's back and said, "with you in my life, how bad could it be?" Raya smiled and rested her head on Nammari's shoulder. "I love you dep la," Raya said. Nammari kissed Raya on the head, "I love you to, we're going to get through this, together. " Then a servant walked in, "princesses, the party is beginning. " Raya helped Nammari into her wheelchair, but Nammari missed and fell. "NAMMARI!" Raya yelled. "Hey, its okay," Nammari said, "I just fell, that's all. " But Raya knew she couldn't stand, she rolled Nammari's wheelchair toward her. Nammari tried to get in the wheelchair by herself. Nammari started to cry a little, this was the most useless she ever felt. "Nammari," Raya asked, "do you need my help." Nammari looked at her and nodded. I love her Nammari thought to herself. Raya picked her up and put her on the chair. "Whoo," Raya breathed, "you're heavier than you look." Raya laughed and Nammari joke punched her arm. "Shut up binturri." Nammari said, which just made Raya laugh harder. Raya brought herself together and kissed Nammari, "I love you." "I love you to," Nammari replied. They both went to the room before the dinning room. When Nammari stopped, Raya turned around and asked her, "whats wrong dep la." "Nammari then said while looking at the wheelchair, "I can't go out there in this." Raya then kissed Nammari and said, "listen, they will accept you, I promise. " The girls then hugged each other and Nammari said, "okay, I'm ready," Nammari said. Then they both entered the dining room to find hundreds of people reuniting with their families. Benja then came up to the girls, and he hugged Raya, "where were you?" He asked. "I had to help Nammari gain a little bit of confidence. " He looked at Nammari who was still in her wheelchair. Nammari looked away, she felt embarrassed to be seen so weak. But Benja put out his hand and said, "welcome princess. " Nammari shook it and Benja pointed to their seats. Well, there was no chair at Nammari's spot so she could just stay in her wheelchair. Raya sat right next to her. Then Sisu and her siblings came and met up with them. "How are my two favorite princesses?" Sisu asked. "Great now that you're here," Nammari replied. "Great!" Sisu said, "oh, this is my brother Pingu." He said hello to the girls and he looked at Nammari who was bowing to him. "Sisu, have you ever figured out why people do that?" Pingu laughed. As did Raya and Sisu. Nammari looked confused, "You don't need to do that." Pingu said. Pingu then looked at Nammari's wheelchair and asked, "have you always had this." Nammari shook her head, "oh, I'm sorry. " Pingu said. "It's alright, " Nammari replied. Then everyone was called to their seats. The food was then served and it was the last stew Raya and her father ate, and Rice. Raya looked at Nammari, she was looking around. "Are you ok Nammari. " "Have you seen my mother?" Nammari asked. Raya didn't see her here, in fact, Nammari was the only one from fang who was here. "Where is fang?" Raya asked her Ba, "they declined our invitation. " he awnserd. Then Boun and his family interrupted ."Hey Raya!" Boun said. "Hey Boun!" Raya awnserd as she gave him a hug. "You've met Nammari right?" Raya asked. "Not officially, " he said as he looked at Nammari. He was still surprised that the two became good friends. Now, he felt ashamed that he wanted to burn Fang to the ground. He shook her hand and said, "nice to meet ya." Boun said, "nice to meet ya to." Nammari said while chuckling, she could see how Raya and Boun became good friends, they were basically the same person. "Anyway, this is my family." He pointed out his dad, mom, brother, and sister. They all said hello to each other. After dinner- Raya took Nammari back to her room after saying good night to everyone. It was amazing to share a meal with her ba again. When they got to the bed, Raya lifted Nammari out and placed her on the bed and covered her in the sheets. "What a day huh." Raya said as she smiled at Nammari. Nammari had no idea how to react, it was a bittersweet day for her. Pros: everyone came back, and she found her true love. Cons: She lost her ability to walk, run, and fight, and she damaged her relationship with her mother. But, she had Raya. "Well, I can tell you need to rest, good night dep la." Raya said as she kissed Nammari's head. "Good night " Nammari replied. Raya was walking out the door when Nammari said, "dep la, can you stay with me tonight. " Raya looked back at her, smiled and said, "of course." Raya got in bed right next to Nammari. When she laid down, Nammari caressed her cheek and said, "did I ever tell you that you're the greatest thing to ever happen to me." Raya then looked at her girl, "undercut. " she said. "Yes." Nammari replied. "Dim the lights."

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