Chapter 10- The Princess.

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Nammari woke up from a long sleep. But instead of it being in a cold sweat, it was a peaceful wake-up. Nammari could feel Raya's spirit in her. "Good morning Raya. " Nammari said with a smile. Nammari then got into her wheelchair with ease this time. She rolled over to her mother and said, "good morning mom. " Verena looked at her daughter, she was shocked to see Nammari feeling this better this quickly. "Oh, Morning Mist." She said as she hugged her daughter extremely tightly. "Whats wrong mother?" Nammari asked. "Absolutely nothing. " Verena said while laughing. "I'm just glad you're back." Verena said. Nammari regreted what she did during those 3 years, she didn't even try to live without her girlfriend. But now, Raya was in her heart, and she wasn't going anywhere. "Would it be okay if I went to Raya's grave today." Verena broke the hug put her hand on her daughter's shoulder and said, "of course." Nammari then rolled out of the room and Nammari looked at her mom. "You know I love you, right?" Nammari said. "I love you to." Her mom responded. Nammari then rolled herself to the graveyard when Sisu found her and excitedly hugged Nammari. "Hey Sisu!" Nammari said while hugging her back. "Nammari, you look so much better!" She screamed in joy. "I feel so much better. " Nammari responded. Sisu lifted Nammari out of her wheelchair, put her on her back, and asked, "do you want me to take you over?" Sisu knew Nammari was going to Raya's grave, it was the only place in the outside world she went. "Sure," Nammari said. They took off towards Raya's grave. A few minutes later they were there. And Sisu let Nammari off her back,, sat her down gently, and have some alone time. "When I get back, I have a surprise for you." Sisu said. Nammari smiled and hugged her dragon friend goodbye. Nammari then looked at Raya's grave, "hey dep la. " Nammari said. Then she heard a voice, "hey love." It said. Nammari looked around and she saw Raya behind her. "Raya?" Nammari asked, "you're alive?" Raya shook her head. "Oh," Nammari said, her smile depleting, "you're a ghost. " Raya walked over and kneeled down to Nammari. "I just wanted you to see me." Raya said as she put her hand on Nammari's cheek. Nammari smiled the way Raya loved, and Raya chuckled as she put her head on Nammari's shoulder. "I love you Raya. " Nammari said as she kissed Raya's non existent forehead. They both started talking about how much life had changed, and they just talked. It was the happiest they both felt in years. Boun entered the graveyard to visit Raya's grave. When he saw something that made him think he was nuts. "Raya?" He asked. Raya then looked over and saw Boun standing there. "Hey Boun." Raya said while smiling at him. Boun then ran over to Raya and hugged her. Boun couldn't believe he was seeing his best friend, she wasn't alive but he could feel her presence. "I missed you, so much!" He cried. Raya held the 15 year old boy in her hands. "I've missed you to." She said. Nammari then crawled over to them and joined their hug. Raya and Nammari then kissed each other passionately, sure, they couldn't kiss each other physically, but they didn't care. Then Sisu flew down from the sky and hugged all of them at the same time. "I love all of you!!" She screamed. Everyone laughed and cuddled with their dragon friend. Then they all broke the hug and all stood up, except Nammari. "So Sisu, " she said, "what do you want to show me." Sisu and Raya both looked at each other. "Me and Raya have found a way to fix, everything. " Nammari couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How?" Nammari asked. Sisu walked over to Nammari, glowed and said, "touch my fur." Nammari touched Sisu's fur and then all of a sudden, everything went black.
Warning, the next chapter is going to be strange. But after that, everything should go back to normal.

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