Chapter 7- The funeral

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It's been 2 weeks and Nammari still can't believe that her dep la was dead. The funeral was not a day anyone was looking forward to. Cheif Benja was borderline suicidal, both his wife and his daughter were gone. He vowed to protect them with his life, and he failed. But he soon learned that the man killed Raya out of revenge toward Nammari's actions,, Benja decided that Nammari could never know that because it would destroy her, Sisu was non stop crying which caused a rainstorm all day. Sisu's siblings tried to comfort her, but she lost her best friend, nothing could help her. When Boun heard the news, he was devastated, he had no idea how to react. But Nammari locked herself in Hearts guestroom and she did nothing but grieve, no one was allowed in, she didn't want people to see her like this. A crippled mess. 3 hours later- Soon after the ceremony, Raya's closest friends and family went to her grave. No one spoke for a while. Then Boun stepped up and walked towards her grave. "Hey, Raya. " Boun said, "I just wanted you to know that, well, you touched my heart, you showed me the good in humanity, and , just know, that you were a good friend. " Sisu then walked over to her grave and bowed to her in respect. Nammari then wheeled over to her girlfriend 's grave, and she put the ring she was going to give Raya. "I love you Raya, so much, you will always, ALWAYS, have a peice of my heart." Nammari then broke down and sobbed, how could such a brave, and beautiful woman die like this? Nammari couldn't control her tears. Benja went to Nammari and said, "for what it's worth, I would've been proud, to call you my daughter. " They both hugged for a long time, one by one they all left. Leaving Nammari there, just staring at Raya's grave. Then Cheif Verena, who was hiding in the back said, "I'm sorry morning mist." Nammari didn't even look back and said, "she's dead, you got your wish, I hope your happy." "Nammari, " Verena said but Nammari interrupted. "Just leave me alone." Verena obliged and left Nammari staring at her girlfriend's grave. When Raya died,, so did Nammari's happiness. It was 5 hours later when Nammari finally left. Goodbye, light of my life. Nammari wheeled all the way back to Fang when she saw something incredible. The reason why Verena was at fang for the entire time Nammari was in Heart. All of the stairs were now replaced with wheelchair ramps. Nammari wheeled up to her room. And when she got there, she saw something that brought her spirits back to the ocean depths, Raya's hair ring. This caused Nammari to completely loose her mind and she screamed in anguish, anger, sadness , grief, and hopelessness. Nammari then fell on the ground and rolled herself into a ball crying her eyes out. "SHE'S GONE!!!!" Nammari yelled. Nammari continued to scream that until Verena came in. She immediately came in and hugged Nammari to calm her down. "I'm sorry, I love you mom." Verena luled her daughter to maker feel better, but she knew the truth, her daughter's heart wasn't just broken, it was gone.

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