Chapter 6- The Shot Heard Around The World

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Raya and Nammari went back to their room without breaking their kiss. When they got there, Raya put Nammari on her bed and laid her on her back. Raya then pinned Nammari down and asked, "whats got you so happy ?" "My mother is letting me stay here with you." Nammari said smiling, "whats got you so happy?" Nammari asked Raya. "My ba knows about us." Raya said. Nammari started to worry, "did he approve?" Nammari asked. "Yes he did." Raya said happily. Nammari smiled ear to ear and kissed Raya on the neck. "I love you dep la, so much." She said. "Why did you kiss me on the neck?" Raya asked . Nammari then responded with, "I'm just marking whats mine." Raya laughed and kissed Nammari back, they got really into it, while they were going at it, Raya said,, "did I ever tell you that your smile is beautiful. " Nammari smiled at her and Raya blushed, then REDACTED! HA HA, GOTCHA AGAIN!!!!! HAHAHA!!!! Meanwhile, chief Benja had a lot on his mind, my daughter's in love with the person who betrayed her. He also wondered if Nammari's mother knew about this. Benja also wondered why Nammari accepted Raya after she put her in a wheelchair. He couldn't think for much longer when a servant showed up and yelled for the Cheif. "Someone needs to talk to you!" Meanwhile- Raya was pushing Nammari through a garden of Heart. It felt amazing for Nammari to rest her arms, wheeling a wheelchair was a surprisingly good exercise. Raya looked at Nammari ,Raya was incredibly relieved that they were no longer enemies, and were now lovers. But Nammari wanted to spend the rest of her life with Raya, she was thinking about it for a while. Raya was so nice, so beautiful, that she couldn't imagine marrying anyone else. Raya pitied Nammari a little bit, but what she truly admired about her was her bravery, and her heart. Raya loved her dep la dearly, and wondered if she was her partner for life. However, Nammari didn't think Raya was ready, so the girls just wanderd in comforting silence. Then Raya's Ba interrupted their walk. "Raya!" Benja screamed, "someone needs your help." Later- A man was waiting for them. He was an older man, he was wearing a green cloak. Then he saw Raya and relief washed across his face. "Hello your majesty, " he said while shaking her hand. "Who are you," Raya asked. "Oh, where are my manners, " he said, "My name is Benja." Cheif Benja raised his eyebrow at him, "no relation, " the man assured. " Look, I need your help, my wife is still stone." Raya and Nammari looked at each other, "wasn't the drunn destroyed?" Nammari asked. "Yeah, I saw the rain, I saw everyone come back, but my wife. " He started to cry a little. Raya sympathized with him, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to see the rain come, everyone coming back, and then hearing her Ba was still stone. "Benja," Raya said. "I promise to help you in any way I can." "Thank you so much." He said smiling. Back in Nammari's room, Nammari was worried. "Raya, how do you know you can trust this man?" Raya could tell Nammari was nervous, so she sat beside her on the bed and kissed her. "He had a desperate look in his eyes, he needs help dep la." Raya and Nammari both looked at each other with love in their eyes. Nammari was going to stay behind because of her injuries. As Raya exited the room Nammari said. "My love." "Yes sweetheart, " Raya responded. "When you come back, I want to ask you something. " Nammari was ready to marry Raya, she was ready to take the first step. "Alright, " Raya said, "I love you dep la. " "I love you to." Raya walked out of the room. When she come back Nammari thought, she'll be my wife, I hope. Meanwhile- Raya, Her ba, and Benja went to his home and went towards his wife. Raya looked at her, "she's gonna need the dragons. " Yeah thats what I thought " the man responded. Then all of a sudden, the man pulled out his gun and shot Raya in the back of the head. She was dead almost immediately. "DEWDROP!!!!" Cheif Benja screamed as she went to her daughter's body and it was dead. "NO! I JUST FUCKING GOT YOU BACK!!!!" he yelled. The man who shot her attempted to escape but Benja took his sword and threw it at him, killing him. Benja looked right back at his daughter lifeless in his arms. "No, you can't go yet." He started sobbing his eyes out. "Goodbye, dewdrop. " He said. Benja then closed her eyes and kissed her fore head. Then his heart logged up with in his throat. Nammari,, how will I tell Nammari. Meanwhile Nammari was thinking about how she was going to propose to Raya. "Okay," she said thinking out loud, "to propose to someone, you can't be too needy but you can't be too demanding." Nammari kept wheeling back and trying to give herself confidence. Then she heard a knock at the door. There she is, your future wife, the person you'll spend the rest of your life with. She went to the door and opened it to find Cheif Benja. "Oh, hey chief," Nammari said, kind of embarrassed. "Where's Raya," she asked. Benja only awnserd with, "whats in the box?" Benja was trying to give himself enough confidence to break the news to her. "Oh, this is a ring I got while you guys were out. " Nammari responded. Benja then realized, they were getting engaged. Benja then completely lost it and hugged Nammari, "I'm sorry. " He said. Nammari quickly realized what he was saying. "No she's not." Nammari said. But Benja just hugged Nammari tighter. Nammari then lost it and started crying hysterically, "RAYA!!!!" she screamed. All Nammari could do was cry, her true love was gone.
Wow, I GOT THIS CHAPTER TO 999 WORDS, LETS GOOOOOOOOOO! Oh, I killed Raya didn't I? Am I a psychopath?

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