AN: Defending Raya and the Last Dragon.

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The video is a great representation of how I feel about YouTube, just replace Clippers with most YouTube Reviewers. Look, I know that it's been 6 months, but I don't care, I have had this on my chest for a while and I'm a crybaby who just yells at things I don't understand. But I didn't have a wide voice at first and now I have it. I have no idea where the hell this all started so I'll just go back to the beginning. I just got done watching RATLD and I absolutely loved it (if I haven't made that obvious yet.) I thought all the characters were fun, the story wasn't the most ground breaking, but I think they bent it just enough to make it interesting, and I thought the message was a very needed message. (Oh, we will get there.) But, I started to watch some reviews for the movie, and most of them were positive. The big one was the Nostalgia Critics take. Honestly, I agreed with most of the points he made, one or two were a little off, but overall, I thought he made some good points. But then, the next day, I came home from a chess tournament, (I went 4-2 that day in case any of you were wondering. 😁) To find that Schafrillas Productions had made a review of RATLD as well. I wanted to see what he thought of it. And already 2 minutes in, I knew I made a terrible mistake. "So did you guys watch that new Disney movie, no you didn't. Because Disney barely advertised it and they released it the same day as the Wandavision finale, oh and they also locked it under premier access for 30$" -Schafrillas Productions. Okay, if you're me, there is SO MUCH wrong there, I don't even  know where to start. 1. What do you mean they barely advertised it, the ads wouldn't fn shut up for me. You make it sound like Disney was trying to hid it. (And he also made a Luca review, that movie didn't have much advertising either that I saw but do you think he mentions any of that, nope.) 2. Well, that's just basic marketing, 2 for the price of one. Get people to watch Wandavision and Raya on the same night = more "MONEY!!!" - Mr. Krabs. 3. JUST GO TO THE FN THEATER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PAY THE PREMIERE ACCESS.!!!!" (But of course he doesn't mention that 30$ is about the cost of a blu-ray, and allows you unlimited access to said film which is more expensive by default so Disney is able to make back profit, but shhhhh.) You know, for someone who says they're a marketing major, you sure seem to know little about it. (P.S I'm not attacking these people here that's not my point, I'm sure these are perfectly fine people who just made mistakes covering this film in particular. ) Basically he says that the film was mediocre  but had some really good characters. But what's funny is, he only shares two legible reasons. 1. The story isn't interesting and the pacing was off. 2. Sisu, I'm not kidding. Well for 1. I can respect that, if the story and pacing didn't work well for him, those are totally fine points of criticism. But what I have a problem with is 2. Yeah, comedy is subjective. But he said she's worse than evrey character in Chicken Little, I feverishly wish I was making that up, but no. Then he goes and puts a score on it, also saying Disney didn't try with this film beforehand, (Oh, go stuff yourself in my garden!) So, I was guessing it was going to be a 7/10, he gave it a 5/10. So yeah, how's that for a kick in the nards. I didn't think it could get any worse for my son. (Before you ask, yes Tuk Tuk is indeed my son, along with grogu who is also my son which makes him Tuk Tuk's brother, yes, I will be making that cannon somehow.)

But, that Schafrillas video, piss in the wind, it does not compare even slightly, to the videos made by

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But, that Schafrillas video, piss in the wind, it does not compare even slightly, to the videos made by. Cellspex and Saberspark. Literally these two videos say one thing, but this one statement would begin one of the biggest domino chains of pain I've ever felt in my cultural career, where evrey single peice that fell sent a Shockwave of bad luck and frustration across my nerd brain that was so huge, I was left a quivering old man begging my grandchildren to come and see me. Unaware that they were all dead, because I killed them and I forgot because I'm old. "THE. MESSAGE. SAYS. TO. TRUST. EVREYONE. AND. THERFORE. ITS. A TOXIC.  MESSAGE."

No, everything about that is, no. That is the single WORST way you could possibly come at it. All you did was look at it from the surface and didn't feel like digging deeper, at all. The message is one of faith and forgiveness. Faith that humanity is born good, but it is our choices that make us who we are. We need to have faith that people can change their ways, and do the right thing. To have faith that when the chips are down, we will not kill each other, but instead, come together and fight for everyone. And forgiveness, we need to be able to forgive each other, we cannot keep grudges. But noooooo, WE CAN'T TRUST EVREYONE! MEANING THAT ALL OF HUMANITY IS EVIL!!! AND FOR PEOPLE WHO WRONG US!!? THEY NEED TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES, WE NEED TO POUR SALT IN THEIR EYES AND HANG THEM!!!! THAT'LL TEACH EM!!!!! EVERYTHINGS SHIT!! THERE'S NO HOPE FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE!!! NOW WE HAVE TO BE PERFECT,  BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FORGIVENESS!!!!!! (Oh and by the way, Saberspark said that SEA'S on Twitter said RATLD  was disgraceful towards their culture. You know, I'd actually believe that, but EVREY SOUTH EAST ASIAN ON THE INTERNET I'VE EVER TALKED TO SAID THEY LOVED HOW IT SHOWED THEIR CULTURE!!!! And I'm sorry, I'm taking their side.) Sighs, look, I have no idea why this caught on, but it did, and now it's been a booster to YouTube Reviewers victim complex. I have seen, so many damn videos  about this (don't watch them there extremely stupid. ) But it soon got the point where somebody in Raya's IMDB page said, "anyone who gave the movie a 5-10/10 was a bot." No, I'm not making that up. I then gave up on any review of this movie, I just figured it'd be the same thing as everyone else has been saying. I then gained a lot of ideas about potential sequels for this movie,  maybe even different circumstances during the film. So I found Wattpad, started writing fanfiction, and never looked back. I have loved sharing my ideas with people who enjoy the same things I do. And I'm so glad that I have an outlet to share my ideas. And now, I really don't care what people think of this film, because art is subjective.  (P.S here is a really good song that goes with RATLD, thank you for reading. )

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