Chapter 0- A new day.

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Two young girls made there way to a cavern. But this wasn't any old cavern. It housed the great and powerful dragon gem. And these weren't any two girls, they were Princess Nammari of Fang, and Princess Raya of Heart. Raya pulled Nammari towards the entrance to the temple where they both took off their shoes in respect to the ancient temple. Raya then led Nammari to the dragon gem. "The spirit of Sisu. " Nammari gasped, "I can feel it." Raya then walked over to it, "it's the last bit of dragon magic left in the whole world." She said. "I can see why Heart gaurds it so closely. " Nammari responded. "Thank you dep la," Nammari said, "you've been, very-" then all of a sudden she collapsed on the ground. "Dep la!" Raya screamed while running over to her. Raya wonderd what was going on with her. "Nammari, can you hear me?" Raya asked. Nammari all of a sudden got a wave of memories. Then someone took over her body, a Nammari from 9 years in the future. Nammari then woke up and saw something insane. "Raya?" Nammari asked. Nammari needed to touch Raya's face so she knew she was real. Nammari couldn't believe it, we're young again. Nammari knew this was her shot to fix everything so she immediately shot up and kissed Raya. This surprised Raya beyond belief but soon, Raya gave in. They both closed their eyes and hugged each other lovingly. Nammari realized what she and Raya just did. "Oh God! Raya I'm sorry!" Nammari yelled. "For what?" Raya asked. "For kissing you, we can't be together, we're only 12." Raya then walked over to Nammari and hugged her and Nammari put her head in Raya's shoulder. "Dep la. " Raya said, "that doesn't matter, I don't think." Nammari then looked up at Raya's face. "Dep la." Nammari said. "Yes Nammari." "I have to tell you something. " Nammari explained how the original plan was to seduce Raya and steal the gem. "So, " Raya said, "all of it was fake?" Nammari then went to Raya, kissed her and pleaded, "no, I promise you, on my life, I will NEVER betray you." Raya looked at Nammari, caressed her cheek and said, "I trust you dep la." Nammari and Raya then shared one more kiss and then the dragon gem floated into the air. Raya and Nammari both looked at it as it started glowing. Then it blew up. "Whoa!" Raya said. Nammari looked at her and smiled, it was great to have Raya back. "Dep la, " Raya said, "I think I love you." Nammari smiled ear to ear, Raya looked over at her and giggled a bit. "I think I love you to." Nammari responded. They then took another look at each other, and kissed each other again. Then Cheif Benja of Heart and Cheif Verena of Fang ran over to the girls. "Are you two okay." Verena asked. "Oh yeah, we're fine." Raya said as she smiled at Nammari while she smiled back. "Well, " Benja said, "the party is over, and you two should head on back." Verena agreed while looking at her daughter, why didn't she steal it. Then they all said their goodbyes and the two from fang took a wagon back. Raya then bowed at Nammari who bowed back. I love you they both thought. When Nammari and Verena both got home. Nammari went to her room with the biggest smile on her face, she was in love. But then Verena came in and slammed the door. "Why didn't you steal the gem?!" She screamed at her daughter. "YOU JUST DOOMED US ALL, WHAT WAS SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU COULDN'T SEDUCE A GIRL INTO GIVING IT TO YOU!!!" Nammari then let loose. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER, ALRIGHT, I DIDN'T WANT HER TO GET HURT, I WANTED HER TO STAY SAFE!!" Verena looked shocked, her daughter fell in love with the person she was supposed to betray. "Morning Mist. " Verena said. Nammari started to cry a little. Verena then hugged her daughter who broke down in her arms, "I'm sorry." Verena said. "Don't hurt her, please. " Nammari begged. Verena then said, "I promise, no one will touch her." Verena then said after a while, "it doesn't matter who you love, I will always love you." 5 days later. It's been 5 days since Raya fell in love with Nammari, everything seemed to be better between Heart and Fang. Nammari was coming here today, no armies, just Nammari. Raya was so excited to see her crush again, today would be the day they would confess their love for each other to their parents, they had decided this in a letter. "Raya!" Benja yelled. "They are here." Raya zoomed down the stairs and saw Nammari on the bridge. "Raya!" Nammari screamed. "Nammari!" Raya also yelled. They ran towards each other and kissed each other on the bridge. Benja looked in confusion, but Verena just laughed. "Come on Cheif " Verena said. "I'll explain everything. " The girls then broke the kiss, held hands, and then walked into the woods.

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