Chapter 4

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"Don't you think some sparring would help his arm?" Agatha's simple question caused Jak to choke on his meal and cough uncontrollably. She turned to him and asked, "Are you alright?"

Jak held up a hand as the coughing subsided and took a heavy drink of water.

"I don't know," John said. Then he turned to Jak, as if he hadn't noticed the coughing fit, and asked, "What hand do you use with a sword?"

Jak simply sat there and wondered what kind of conversation they were having. Sword fighting was not something one simply brought up in conversation. Just when he was feeling comfortable with the old couple, they reminded Jak that he was far removed from home. How far removed, was still the question.

"I'm right-handed," Jak finally answered. "But I've never even touched a sword before."

"That's not a problem," John said. "It actually makes things easier if you haven't."

Sweating in the cool room, Jak worried what the old man meant by 'easier.' They had spent that morning doing the same chores as the previous day. However, Jak had struggled to muck out the stalls with his injuries. Most of the pain had subsided but his shoulder was very resistant to rotating and his hip could only put up with standing for so long. It had taken him twice as long to get the work done and even then, John had to come help. 'Easy' was not in Jak's vocabulary right now.

"This sounds promising," Agatha said. She turned to speak directly to Jak, "My husband is a master swordsman, although he won't admit it. If anyone can work out your shoulder the right way, it would be him."

"And don't worry Jak, we won't be using real swords," John said. "The weight would be too much for you right now."

Even though there was no food in his mouth, Jak swallowed as he searched the old couples face for some kind of evidence that this was all a joke. He tried to lift his elbow to prove to himself that it was fine but groaned in agony as he barely pulled it away from his body.

"What is it?" Agatha was quick to reach out for support.

"Just checking my shoulder. I just don't see how practicing with a sword will help with it. I can barely lift it." With hope in his heart that the old man would refrain from pushing the subject, Jak eagerly awaited John's response.

"Just trust me," John said. "I know a set of poses and exercises that won't be too strenuous."

Jak gave a bitter smile and just accepted there was no getting out of sword training. The truth was he was desperate to have his arm heal for the journey they would take on horseback. He couldn't even lift himself on the back of Hilbic yesterday with John's help. If John believed this sparring session could help improve Jak's ability to ride, then Jak was willing to give it a try. He couldn't put off the journey home any longer than he had to.

Having finished their midday meal, John kissed his wife goodbye as the men left the cabin and hiked through the forest to the barn.

The horses were still in the fenced in area, trotting around one another as John slid the heavy barn door open. Opposite the empty stalls, there was another door that John pushed inward and revealed a large space with straw dummies scattered throughout. Many different kinds of weapons hung from the wall Jak stood next too. He could identify some as swords but the rest were lost on him. With shaky limbs, Jak leaned against the door frame to keep his balance as he imagined getting cut by one of the metal blades.

"Agatha would prefer I get rid of some of these," John said as he motioned to the collection of weapons, "but I can't bear to part with them. Plus, it's not like I can just throw them out into the forest."

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