Chapter 20

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Viktor spoke an unfamiliar spell and closed his fist. All of the candles blew out in unison. They left the council's cabin and walked back through the forest.

"I'll be in touch," Viktor said just before they exited the trees.

Jak took off to the northern mountain after Viktor excused himself to take care of village business. The sun sat at its highest point without a single cloud, yet, a cool breeze offered relief. At Viktor's request, Jak would try out his spells before returning to magic training. Sprinting through the cabins, an unusual headache popped up from nowhere that forced him to stop in the middle of the cabins and hold his head in his hands.

Why are you preventing me access to your mind? Agarilus asked.

I wasn't trying to, Jak said. As they spoke, the headache dissipated.

You are being hunted.

Jak's eyes went wide as he whipped around in search of danger. I don't see anything... Someone quickly hid behind a cabin. Wait. Tyrell?

It is a young male of your kind. He follows you.

Damnit! Jak couldn't afford having Tyrell follow him up the mountain's trail. Anymore strange behavior would only have Tyrell sink his teeth into the theory of Jak being an Ohnji even more. How was Jak going to lose him though? Going back to his own cabin was the only option. But how long was Tyrell willing to wait?

Do not move, Agarilus said.

The familiar warmth of magic spread throughout Jak's body. He looked down as his fingers tingled to find them vanish. His heart pounded as memories of the meteor shower flooded his mind.

You are well, Agarilus said. I am merely having you blend in with your environment.

While moving his hand, Jak could see slight variations in the ground as if something were distorting the image. This was not the same as being teleported form Earth to Kaolin. Jak was simply camouflaged.

How are you doing this? Jak asked.

This is my own ability enhanced by magic. I am extending this power to you.

Tyrell peeked back out from behind the cabin with an open mouth. He cautiously walked out, right over to Jak. The way Tyrell searched the area told Jak that he was invisible to the young man but his gut told him to run.

Do not move a muscle, Agarilus warned. You will change the light's refraction and the boy will find you.

Sweat beaded on Jak's skin as Tyrell came close. If Jak wanted to, he could reach out and touch Tyrell. Tyrell stood right next to Jak as the latter held his breath and stood as still as possible. No matter how many long Tyrell scanned the area, he didn't seem to focus on Jak's position any more than the rest of the dirt path. Something pulled Tyrell's attention away and he ran down a corridor of cabins, thankfully away from the mountain.

Jak let out a sigh as he returned to his own run toward the mountain. How did you know he was following me?

I watch from the same field we bonded.

What?! Agarilus slowly repeated each word.

Not what I meant, Jak said. I just can't believe you can see the village from there.

Dragon eyes are different from humans.

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