Chapter 28

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The danger of being back on the mainland became apparent immediately upon entering the forest on horseback. Rory made it clear that any use of magic, other than life or death situations, would put all of them in danger. They rode in silence that first day as Jak scrutinized every tree and bush from Jorjin's back for threats. He jumped in his seat at every rustle in the brush thinking it came from knights ambushing their squad.

The next day, Rory had Jak and Zachario fall into a routine as the tension eased. They woke up and ate some dried meat brought along from the village and drank from their canteens. The small amount of magic that didn't seem to call attention from the capital was the expansion spell, which Rory allowed them to use each time they needed to refill their water. During the day, Rory did not allow stopping for a midday meal so they ate on the road.

To pass the time, Zachario inquired more about Jak's world. Even though they had spoken about it extensively during meals in the village, Zachario still struggled to understand what Earth was like. Cars and smart phones piqued his interest. He didn't understand how a carriage could be used for transport without horses attached. Because Jak didn't know how an engine really worked, he did a poor job of explaining it. Trying to explain the phone was even more difficult. Zachario was convinced that it had to be magic but continued to ask questions. He didn't seem bothered by Jak's lack of knowledge and soaked in all the information that he could.

Each evening they stopped before the sun set and Rory hunted for small game or gathered herbs. It was Jak and Zachario's responsibility to find enough firewood to cook their meals. Even though they found food each night, it left much to be desired compared to even the meager meals of the village. Rory enforced strict rations to make sure there would be food in the morning. They tied whatever they saved to the branch of a tree far from where they slept in order to keep wild animals from investigating where they should not.

After each evening meal, Jak and Zachario partook in sparring sessions. Rory always declined to join even though Zachario asked her each night. Jak wasn't keen to fight her again after the humiliating defeat she had dealt him the day before the tournament. It was a relief each time she refrained.

One night Rory said, "We should arrive at our destination tomorrow."

Jak looked up from his smoked squirrel leg, heart leaping from his chest. They had only been away from the village for six days but it felt much longer than that. The struggle of pushing forward each day and worrying about each meal had caused him to almost forget why they were traveling in the first place. His heart raced, eager to meet Rune and have a way home.

Jak looked over to Zachario to find his friend trembling with bulging eyes.

"Rio," Jak said. "What's wrong? This is good news."

A slight nod of Zachario's head behind Jak was all that Jak needed. He grabbed his sword and spun around to find himself face to face with a bear.

No. Not a bear. A giant wolf.

The beast was covered in thick grey fur and stood as tall as a human. The massive face looked down upon Jak and a low growl escaped its maw.

Jak pulled the sword from its sheath only a few inches when the wolf pounced. Its huge front paws crushed his chest into the ground. Jak strived for breaths but only found small wisps of air. One back paw stood on his legs and kept Jak from kicking out of its grasp. The wolf's large, yellow teeth came within inches of his face as its moist, rancid breath filled his nose.

Zachario knelt with his own hand on his weapon when Rory said, "Let go of your hilt." She sat comfortably on the other side of the fire as if expecting the wolf's intrusion.

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