Chapter 29

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They rode well into the afternoon of the next day before Rory broke the silence and said, "We're here."

According to Rory, the unlikely trio finally arrived to their destination but saw no sign of human life. They dismounted and stood around in silence. Jak had expected Rune to be standing there waiting for them. He realized how unrealistic that was but there should be some sign that he lived here like a tent or cabin.

It was an unassuming part of the forest, far from the trail they had been riding. The pine trees towered above them as the bushes grew thick underneath. Boulders were randomly distributed throughout the area.

After the wolves had parted from the group that morning, the vulnerability of being on the mainland returned. The danger of traveling in the kingdom was never more evident after having lost the safety of the pack. Jak could tell his comrades were eager to find Rune and keep moving in the way they paced the area.

"Are we in the right place?" Zachario said while pushing back his dark curly hair. He looked around when no one answered and received a scornful glare form Rory. Zachario averted his eyes and sat on a nearby log. She reminded Jak of the alpha female from the pack last night. No wonder why they connected so well.

"This is it," Rory said. "We just need to wait."

"Wait for what?" Jak asked as he spread his arms out wide.

"His home is hidden," Rory said. "Not even I know where he dwells. But this is where I find him."

Jak and Zachario made themselves comfortable on a fallen log while Rory stood and watched the forest as if expecting danger. This made Jak's palms sweat. He expected knights to come pouring through the trees at any moment based on her readiness. Zachario seemed to be oblivious as he drew in the soil with a stick.

"Hello!" Jak shouted as he stood. He couldn't just sit and do nothing now that a way home was within his grasp.

Rory marched over and grabbed Jak's shirt. "What are you doing?"

"How long are we supposed to wait? I've been in your village for weeks without any answers on how to get back to my world. I have a chance now and you said this was the spot."

"We just got here," Rory said. "It's not like he'll show up just because we did."

Rory let go and sat on a nearby boulder as Jak carefully listened for any sort of response. If this was the right place, then Rune should be close by. Jak's heart raced as he turned and searched the brush for any sign of another person. His restless legs didn't let him stand still, so he paced.

"You've been here, right?" Jak asked.

"Yes." Rory said.

She didn't offer any more information as she sat rigid on her boulder. Patience was in short supply for Jak. The answers he searched for were within reach. At least, he hoped that Rune had them. Now that they were here, doubt crept into Jak's mind that no one could help him get back to Earth.

Each step along his journey had been met with roadblocks. At first, John had promised to take Jak to some town only later to find out that was a made-up story. John had always planned to take Jak to meet Viktor, who came up empty. Well, not completely empty. Viktor did say that portals connected the two worlds. But what help was that if Jak couldn't find a portal? Jak's eagerness to get back to Earth intensified once he bonded with Agarilus and the ancestral dragon said that Jak's presence was a threat to the very balance of nature.

After only a few short minutes of pacing, Jak's need to leave Kaolin rose in him like a tidal wave. Rune must show himself. Performing magic would draw the knights to this spot and Jak could use this as leverage to pull Rune from hiding. Agarilus could tear down the forest to find this person as well. Jak pulled the chain, which now held the green Dragon Stone, out from under his shirt.

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